December 29, 2006

On the Occasion of John McIntire's Last Flip Side Show

I'm tempted to just write a big

because it does.

If, as the New York Times says, The Carbolic Smoke Ball is Pittsburgh's version of The Onion, then certainly John McIntire's The Flip Side is our very own Countdown with Keith Olbermann (High praise indeed if you know how many times we've quoted that show on this blog).

McIntire not only spoke truth to power, in addition to all the usual suspects you'd expect as guests on a local talk show, John featured an entire universe of alternative regulars: bloggers (including this blog), lesbians, twenty-somethings who were given as much credibility and airtime as established talking heads.

But, most importantly, John brought the funny...he brought the snark. And there's no better way to burst the bubble of pomposity of those in power than making your audience laugh at them night after night. Don't get me wrong. He could delve into great detail on real issues too, but how much better when that's followed up with some great snarky remark or comedy bit?

Which brings me to my very own little conspiracy theory.

I was less than thrilled when John's NightTalk TV show ended abruptly as the 2004 election was really gearing up. And, now it seems to me to be a little too convenient that The Flip Side is coming to an end right before the 2007 primary election for mayor starts up.

Mayor Luke "Opie" Ravenstahl just got a present too large for his Christmas stocking. And, that sucks too.

Yeah, John can continue to keeps tabs on Luke from his Pittsburgh City Paper column and his blog (MacYapper), but that ain't quite the same thing as blasting over KDKA's big airwaves.

John will hopefully be coming back on an FM forum in the spring, but does that mean spring as in March or spring as in June?


I know I --and many of you -- will be counting the days.

Now go listen to John and his last historic Flip Side show!


  1. John is an immense talent, brilliant and funny. But AM radio in general -- yes even the mighty KDKA -- has been in a slow-motion freefall for a long, long time, and not even John could stop the bleeding for the 50,000 watt blowtorch. Let's keep our fingers crossed that John winds up on an FM station on the upswing instead of one in decline.

  2. John is an immense talent, brilliant and funny. But AM radio in general -- yes even the mighty KDKA -- has been in a slow-motion freefall for a long, long time, and not even John could stop the bleeding for the 50,000 watt blowtorch. Let's keep our fingers crossed that John winds up on an FM station on the upswing instead of one in decline.

  3. This is a good thing. That guy has failed everywhere he goes, must be a reason why...oh wait I know...because he sucks!

  4. You know, Anon, you have a point there. He does, in fact, have something in common with George Bush.

  5. John, you forgot to mention that you share that very same trait with George Bush as well. Does that just not make you feel so good inside to know that you share the same traits with Dubya?

    Perhaps if you stopped attempting to prove that you're some kind of online genius with your condescending remarks you project toward those you disagree with others would think a bit more highly of you, not to mention, why don't you get your own blog? Or are you too dumb to figure it out?


  6. Johnny Mac ended up replacing both Chris Moore (on Saturdays, he's still there Sundays to my knowledge) and Mike Romigh. Now he's gone. To be honest, I was growing kind of tired of his schitck anyway, but I'd rather have him than Boortz any day.

    The Life Lounge still has Saturday nights, though, for what it's worth...not much, really.

  7. Your brilliant analysis has skewered me, Anon; I'm too dumb.

  8. Sam D. sounds like he knows what he's talkin' 'bout to me. Now that's insight.

  9. Guess you have heard that there is no such thing as bad press? They lied to you brother. Heck with Opie! Get out of the light. Fast. That shine is not becoming!

  10. The departure of John McIntyre is just another indicator of Michael Young's complete dimantling of KDKA from a powerhouse to alsoran. Every move Young makes turns out disasterous. He should get the axe, not John McIntyre, nor his predecessors Mike Pintek, or Mike Romigh.

  11. Johny Mac was fired from a job..nothing new here!!! He sucks and he keeps proving it over and over!!!
