December 18, 2006

One Billboard Too Many . . .

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We've all seen the stories about Mayor Luke plastering his face on everything that's nailed down and much that isn't. Bob Mayo did his story on the "Ravenstahlizaton" of our fair city back in November on WTAE and Paul Martino did a follow-up on KDKA last week (though I will take credit for bringing this up all the way back in October). It's also been a topic on John McIntire's The Flip Side on KDKA Radio.

Local blogs such as The Burgh Report, The People's Republic of Pittsburgh, MacYapper, and The Other Political Junkie on this very blog have all posted on the topic. And, Bob Mayo mentions it again on his brand new blog The Busman's Holiday.

While opinions on this subject have ranged from those who think it's a clear misuse of taxpayer money to "everybody does it," Mayor Ravenstahl has steadfastly claimed that none of it is "campaign motivated."

So why do I bring this up again?

Whatever you believe Mayor Luke's motives may be, we do believe he'd agree with us, that this billboard may have been one too many:

Yep, that is a pile of trash under Lukey's smiling visage on "redding up" Pittsburgh.

Here's a close up:

Not exactly the greatest campaign image whatever his intentions were but, just maybe, a nice visual metaphor for his administration.

(H/T to my sister, Gina, who spotted the billboard and took the photograph -- she's still laughing.)


  1. Where is that sign located?

  2. Note to Yarone: after you're done nailing boards to buildings, get out there and pick up that trash.

  3. Tell the truth, though... didn't you feel just a wee bit silly standing there on the side of the road, taking a picture of two billboards and a pile of garbage?

  4. Is that a native american indian sitting on a horse with a tear falling from his eye? Nevermind, it's just another campaign photo of the new mayor.

  5. I prefer substance over slogans.

    But one would think that, with his 300 campaign volunteers, that the Mayor could find some people to go out there and clean up the area around the billboard.

  6. My sister took the picture -- I'm still house bound.

  7. It's probably photoshopped.

  8. You think the picture of Luke is photoshopped? You may be right - just today my neighbor said that she saw Luke in person and he has a spare tire and is balding prematurely. That has to be Luke's head on Corey O'Connor's body?

  9. The photographs are absolutely NOT Photoshopped.

    I have about 20 more of them too.

  10. I have no doubt that these Ravenstahl=Mayor branding campaigns are strategic and intentional. But I am wondering about the unintended consequences to men's clothing store sales? Every time I see an ad for the Men's Wearhouse or some other suit-peddling outfit, I cannot help but think of the Redd Up ads. I think Luke has a second career as male suit model in the bag

  11. Where is this billboard then?

  12. The redd-up billboard is obviously right above a big pile of trash. Why do you keep asking???

    Seriously, it's offensive that anyone would accuse Maria and her sister of fabricating evidence. In my experience, it's usually those who are capable of such tactics who tend to be so paranoid and suspicious of others. It's one thing to oppose her opinion, it's another to attempt to damage her reputation with groundless accusations. Grow up.

  13. Anon. who keeps asking where it is is probably someone from Luke's team that wants to hurry and clean it up...

    Any-hoo, I believe it's on West Carson.

    The pictures were taken on Sunday.

  14. If it's someone from Luke's team, then my assessment of their paranoia and suspicion is dead-on.

  15. Hey, isn't the City going to start to pick up Wilkinsburg's trash starting in January?

    Maybe they should get a mailing sent to them with that picture on it and this phrase, "Starting January 2007 - Wilkinsburg will look as clean as Pittsburgh!"

    Yes, because no one picks up trash better than the 'Burgh. That photo is so worth a thousand words.

  16. Wonder how many new teamsters the city had to hire to pull off an expansion of its trash hauling biz?

  17. this picture is symbolic of a possible future ravenstal administration. young luke messes up and the old guard will find a way for the taxpayers to clean up after him.
