January 8, 2007

2PJ on QED!

I'll be on WQED-TV this Friday at 7:30pm

Yea, that's right. One of the 2 Political Junkies will be on OffQ.

It's even posted on the QED website and everything! Take a look:
Friday, January 12

Host Chris Moore is joined by regular panelists Fred Honsberger, Ruth Ann Dailey and Valerie McDonald Roberts...along with GUEST PANELIST: political blogger, David DeAngelo.

Neat, huh?


  1. Make sure you're across from Ruth Ann so you can sneak some upskirt peeks and write about them!

  2. boy ... aren't you special.

  3. For tolerating Honsberger, you should at least get a glimpse of Ruth Ann's ultra-uptight Republican goodies.

  4. Break a leg. (That's good luck in stage talk.)

    Then re-break Honz man's leg while you're at it.

    (That's just a bad joke based on his recent health.)

    Do ask about his attack dog or about the turkeys in his neighborhood. Take him off guard before the show.

    I called into the Honz Man show just yesterday. He didn't click me off the air, even. I don't like the tunnel under the river. He does. It has a bad R.O.I. (return on investment). I did fight it years ago and we did change some aspect (no t-stop move from The Pennsylvanian to back of Convention Center and off of the bus way right of way). Airport is on the south of the Allegheny River, last I looked. Going to airport from North Side means trashing West End Bridge too. ;?

    Honz like the bring back of the helmet law in PA. Honz would outlaw all tobacco, extending the war on drugs. Honz does not like the public money headed to new ice rink for Mario. Honz like Onorato and will vote for Dan.

    Finally, it would be GREAT to get the Honz show on full time podcast just so we could point out his lack of logic. I'd give him off camera props for going to part time podcasting (I want archives). And, I'd slam QED for NOT doing podcasts of all their shows that could sustain our community discussion on issues.

    (Rant continues at my blog.) Sorry so long here.

  5. It should say, "Biased Political Blogger David Deangelo"

    There, that's better.

    Of course, you don't shoot your mouth off on QED like you do via this blog. I wonder why.

  6. oh dems figtin words. meet ya out back at 'qed. lol
