January 11, 2007

Another Reminder (In Case You Missed The First)

I'll be on OffQ tomorrow night at 7:30pm.

I'll be the guy sitting next to Fred Honsberger.


  1. You are SO full of yourself.

  2. David's very full of himself. I've never seen such a self important, stuck up, stubborn person.

    He's so against the war on terror, he actually shows signs of supporting the terrorists because of his utmost hatred for Bush.

    But don't question his patriotism.

  3. I know what ya mean. There seem to be a whole new breed of person like him and it's probably the one most detrimental factor as to why this country of ours is in the state that it's in. I really do worry for future generations.

  4. Anon. 1 & 2,

    Yeesh! The witty & insightful commentary both David & Maria share via this blog is in response to facts as reported by main stream media, (not from some kook-ball wearing a tin foil hat in his basement).

    Their turning news into something interesting & compelling & funny all at the same time is a testament to their talent. (You guys keep coming back often to read it, don't you?)

    Local media is finally catching on to this and all I can say is it's about time.

  5. I heard Honsberger for about 5 minutes the other day bringing my kid back from a doctor's appointment (I know, call social services for me even having that hack on in the car with my kid in the back!).

    He said he still believed that there were WMD or other "advanced technologies" that Sadaam had that we never found and that had we not gone into Iraq, he would have been sharing these with al qaeda, etc. If you get the chance, can you ask him for some evidence - even one single shred - to support this?

    What a jagoff (oh, and that goes for Anons #1 and #2, too - cheers!).

  6. Are anons 1 & 2 actaully the same person? If so, we're seeing someone go off the rails. Wouldn't surprise me.

    Regardless, Dave COULD be very stuck-up, or he could be very down-to-earth. I don't know. What I DO know is that while others gripe about what a fool and a snob he is, they're doing it be way of his and Maria's blog.

    Way to bump their stats, haters!

  7. Oh, let him/her/them have his/her/their fun. What else is/are he/she/they gonna do when his/her/their Mom/Mommy/Mothers won't let him/her/them out of his/her/their room/rooms.

  8. Heard Honsberger touting the North Shore Connector in part because the casino will be on the North Side. Does he have any idea how far the slots place will be from the subway stop? It's almost another zip code. Plus after losing all their money, the poor bastards won't have enough spare change to make the fare.

  9. Nice job, Davoe. Welcome to the ranks of those of us who have proven that we have a great face for radio!

  10. Only a left wing nut like Shawn would make a comment assuming (a liberal assuming, no, say it aint so) that Anon1 and Anon2 are the same. Rest assured you flapping flapjack, we're not the same. Keep sitting on your comfy couch in denial as the terrorists come closer and closer to victory in Iraq, which is *exactly* what you want to see. I can say that because again, you have not given me any proof to say otherwise.

    As for Whigsboy and his "jagoff" reference, I will only say this. It takes one to know one, pal. You too, sure seem so full of yourself too. Hell, so does Shitrock, too. Is that the latest liberal mindset given the outcome of the recent election? You guys think you're just so all powerful and full of yourselves now that your beloved Pelosi and company have won. I got news for you all: You all aren't going to be happy with the way she and Reid run things. You watch and see. It's already happening. Of course, you'll all be in denial anyway so what's the point.

    Enjoy the govenment you voted for.

    P.S. Oh yeah, Shawn: Contrary to what Nancy Pelosi (and you, hence a previous comment via another post on here) is NOT the Commander In Chief, although she (and you) thinks that she is. Get over yourselves already.

    Now, let's hear the big solution for Iraq. Oh wait, It's cut and run! The very same thing that Maria accused Bush of doing with a post she made in October 06. My bad! What? No comment about that, Maria? Of course not. David? Hello? Anyone home?

  11. Oh, by the way, since David and Maria have not brought it up via post:

    I wonder how long it will take for Bobby Casey to move to Washington DC.

    Any of you ponder that? You were on Santorum's case enough about it, so how about you all take some of your own medicine and come forth.

    I'll be watching Bobby very, very carefully. I'll be watching for the slightest "transgression." If I find one, I'll wait for the fly by media to report on it.

  12. Is there a YouTube pointer to the show?

    Come on QED. Post these conversations to the web.

  13. Ruth Ann SO needs a good spanking.

  14. Whoa! That sure sounds like a fantasy has been let out by a liberal who most likely creams or whacks at the thought of her.

  15. Only when she's wearing the boots and spouting the insane Republican mantra in that squeaky schoolgirl voice.

  16. We have to (owwww!) stay the course (ouch!) in Iraq (ooowwwww) because (heyyyyy) if we don't (ooh not so hard)...

  17. Definitely sounds like some liberal has a xxx fantasy.

  18. I hear Ruth Ann digs spanking. A nice hot bottom makes her warm all over.

  19. I'm getting so hot reading this erotic soliloquy.

  20. Yes, but what does the lovely Sherry think of it?

  21. hi, i think some of you have a great future in the adult lit market. ; )

  22. You're very kind, Sherry. Maybe you could help me with the research. These cold winter nights are made for snuggling with someone who has the soul of a poet, you know.

  23. You two need to get a room. I'm embarrassed. I'm blushing.

  24. Get a room? You can't insult Sherry like that. We're just going for coffee and conversation.
