January 18, 2007


MoveOn.org has a great ad against St. McCain's escalation plan for Iraq:

As McCain can't really argue with the content of the ad, the "Straight Shooter" has decided to lie about MoveOn instead -- a typical Rethuglican strategy coming from a supposed "maverick."


  1. i am truly disappointed in mccain.

    at first i thought he was a man i might be able to believe in, now, he embarasses me.

  2. He fooled a lot of us, Sherry. As it turns out, he's just another hyper-conservative political hack.

  3. That's interesting: we conservatives don't like him at all.

    Too moderate.

  4. I am disappointed but thankful! I had definitely thought him something different that what he has turned out to be...

    I also find it interesting that his approach is to try to RIDE Dumbya's coat-tails to the White House, rather than follow the conventional wisdom of running the other way from him.

    Like I said, he is totally someone other than I thought he was, and I am glad he has started to show his real stripes so far in advance.

  5. Don't worry about it, x. You'll have a real conservative -- Hillary -- to vote for.

  6. If I EVER was swayed to vote for Hillary, you better bring the defibrulator into the polling place with me.

    I'm gonna need it.

  7. It's nice to know we agree about something, x.
