January 6, 2007

It's About Frickin Time!

From the AP today:

In this new era of divided government, the congressional hearing room is where the executive and legislative branches will clash.

Over the next few weeks, Senate Democrats plan to hold at least 11 hearings just on Iraq. In the House, one of the Democrats' most dogged investigators is waiting to spring his committee on a different mission - suspected government fraud.

From the war to environmental policy and secret surveillance, the Democrats who now control both the House and Senate are armed with subpoena power and ready to summon panels of witnesses.

These newly empowered Democrats plan to put the Bush administration under scrutiny like never before.

If the Republicans (the party that was supposed to restore dignity to the White House) was at all honest, the scrutiny would have been there all along. But since they're not, it wasn't and dubya was allowed to do whatever he wanted.
"One of the clearest messages of the last election was that the Republican leadership was just AWOL when it came to holding the Bush administration accountable," said Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
AWOL Republicans? The rotten apple doesn't fall far from the Presidential tree, does it?

Constitutionally, that's the job of the Legislative branch - to oversee the Executive. (Though a friend of mine - a true political cynic - pointed out to me recently that the REAL job of each member of Congress is to get re-elected. Point taken.) Let's hope the Democrats don't screw this one up.


  1. President Bush has been keen on comparing himself to Harry Truman. Trivia I like: before he was president or vice-president, Senator Truman first made a name for himself (scored the cover of Time) by investigating Pentagon spending during World War II, standing up to defense contractors, and insisting that for America to be victorious, we need to keep a tight, accountable military budget.

  2. Just to let you know, I found this blog via Daily Kos, as a Washington County resident, will be reading your blog will great interest.
