January 13, 2007

John McIntire News

My friend Sue over at Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents wrote about this two whole days ago! Where the heck have I been?

Anyway in the P-G:
New ways of looking at conventional talk and music formats are the next wave in programming strategy. Locally, CBS Radio Pittsburgh has been busy revamping two of its four stations over the past year -- news/talk KDKA-AM (1020) and rock station WRKZ-FM (93.7).

In the coming months, Pittsburgh radio listeners can look forward to more local talk on FM. Scott Paulsen will host a new talk show on WRKZ, starting in April. And John McIntire, whose nightly talk show on KDKA has been dropped, is in talks to move to the FM sister station.

Whoever is on the new FM talk lineup, McIntire says, "The handcuffs will be off. The restrictions one might feel on KDKA will be lifted. And that's a really exciting prospect."
And Sue wrote:
Considering those handcuffs permitted him to repeatedly use the term "carpet muncher" in his bits satirizing the Bush/Cheney stance on homosexuality, it will be mighty interesting to see how far he can go on FM talk. Note: we don't object to satirical usage of seemingly offensive language to describe lesbians, especially when said satire is directed at our beloved leader.

The talking version of 93.7 is supposed to appeal to men it would seem between 25 and 50. Hmmm ....

I'm sorry. I can't stop thinking of it as B94 and remembering Quinn and Banana. Given Jim Quinn's litany of conservative hate spewing from the other end of the dial, its ironic that McIntire might fill his old slot. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Regardless, the lesbians say "Hurrah!" for the return of McIntire and his merry band.
While I am many things and have the potential to be many more, alas a lesbian I can never be (I think it has something to do the y chromosome I inherited from my dad). With that being said, let me also say "Hurrah" and cheer John McIntire's return to the airwaves of Pittsburgh.



  1. I miss the skits! And the Lesbian and Pop Culture Correspondents. They rock!

    The only downside is that a morning slot will pit McIntire against Lynn Cullen which completely sucks.

  2. John's 2,000 listeners will follow him wherever he goes.

  3. McIntire posted this on his blog:

    "But now that I'm back from Betty Ford I won't desert you without guest bloggers again. Not the clinic. I was just nailin' Betty.
    I waited decades for that old fart to kick the bucket so I could get mine. It's like a fine wine, gets better with age. And don't kid yourself, the old broad still drinks like a fish. But she knows how to make a buck, yessir."

    That's funny?

    BTW, when he started getting valid criticism in the comments section of his blog, he shut it down. Very Honz-like action.
