January 3, 2007

Prisoner Abuse - Aren't we supposed to be the GOOD GUYS?

From the AP:
FBI agents documented more than two dozen incidents of possible mistreatment at the Guantanamo Bay military base, including one detainee whose head was wrapped in duct tape for chanting the Quran and another who pulled out his hair after hours in a sweltering room.
Wrapped in duct tape? Why did the wrap a guy's face in duct tape?
The reports describe a female guard who detainees said handled their genitals and wiped menstrual blood on their face. Another interrogator reportedly bragged to an FBI agent about dressing as a Catholic priest and "baptizing" a prisoner.

Another success from dubya's "faith based initiatives."

Remember these are reports from FBI agents.

The agency asked 493 employees whether they witnessed aggressive treatment that was not consistent with the FBI's policies. The bureau received 26 positive responses, including some from agents who were troubled by what they saw.

"I did observe treatment that was not only aggressive but personally very upsetting," one agent wrote, describing seeing a man left in a 100-degree room with no ventilation overnight. "The detainee was almost unconscious on the floor with a pile of hair next to him. He had apparently literally been pulling his own hair out throughout the night."

Another agent said he heard several "thunderclaps" then saw a detainee lying on the floor with a bloody nose. Interrogators told the agent the man was upset and had thrown himself to the floor.

Great. Now wife-abusers have another excuse - "She was so upset she threw herself on the floor, officer. That must've been how her nose got broke." Sure - that's the ticket.

And our "Justice" Department is still stonewalling:

One incoming chairman served notice Tuesday that the issue is a top priority. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., notified Attorney General Alberto Gonzales that his panel's first oversight hearing of the new Congress would focus on two documents Leahy is seeking about the interrogation methods of another agency, the CIA.

The Justice Department has refused to hand over the documents, saying their contents are "extremely sensitive" and could help terrorists plot more attacks.

More on that story here. The incoming chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee (oh, those pesky oversighters again!) requested some documents and the DOJ said, "Nice try, but no."

Leahy said he'd be pursuing the matter in the next committee meeting.

Let's hope we see some real oversight out of this committee this time.

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