January 9, 2007

Santorum News (The Gift That Keeps On Giving)

In case you didn't catch it.

Rick Santorum has FOUND A JOB.

From the AP:Former

U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum has joined a conservative Washington think tank, where he will found and direct a program called "America's Enemies."

The program will study "threats posed to America and the West from a growing array of anti-Western forces that are increasingly casting a shadow over our future and violating religious liberty around the world," according to a statement from the
Ethics and Public Policy Center, where he will be a senior fellow.

Some background on Ethics and Public Policy Center. From the Center's website:
Founded in 1976, the Ethics and Public Policy Center is Washington, D.C.'s premier institute dedicated to applying the Judeo-Christian moral tradition to critical issues of public policy. From the Cold War to the war on terrorism, from disputes over the role of religion in public life to battles over the nature of the family, EPPC and its scholars have consistently sought to defend the great Western ethical imperatives -- respect for the inherent dignity of the human person, individual freedom and responsibility, justice, the rule of law, and limited government.
Oh, goody, Rick's right at home. Except for the "limited government" (Terri Schiavo, anyone?) part and the "rule of law" part (NSA domestic surveillance?), "individual freedom and responsibility" part (PA cyberschooling?) and finally the "inherent dignity of the human person" part (Abu Ghraib?).

Yea, Rick's right at home.

But we wish him well, of course.


  1. So it would be accurate to say that Rick Santorum is working hard to support America's enemies.

  2. How high do you think us homos rank on the list of America's Enemies? Slightly below terrorists and above secular humanists?

  3. Oh, no. Let's be clear about this. You are the lowest form of life on earth. Unnatural! Disgusting! Abominable!

    God hates you! Like vampires, you corrupt the flower of America's youth to create more of your kind. You not only threaten marriage, you threaten the future of the human race!

    All right-thinking pro-life patriots believe that you should be put to death by stoning.

  4. Kinda hard to tell whether this Anon is a caricature of himself, huh?

  5. I just want to know:

    Why does he keep getting jobs that have such a long commute from his home in Penn Hills?

    Hey, just for fun, let's all meet outside his Penn Hills house next year for Halloween and see who opens the door?

    T-Rick or Treat!

  6. Given the amount of enemies that America is making, Ricky will be a busy man.
