January 10, 2007

Somethings to keep in mind

As dubya presents his case for escalation in Iraq:

From the USAToday The headline says it all:
Most say no to Iraq buildup
The piece includes links to Gallup that show how much opposition there is to dubya's escalation. First off he gets a low 37% approval rating (59% disapprove) for how he's handling his job. And then a screechingly low 26% approval rating (72% disapprove) for how he's handling things in Iraq.

Has this administration gotten anything right in Iraq? From the get-go, this illegal war's been one administration screw-up after another. And now he wants to send more troops in?

Is there any reason left to trust this administration? Any at all?


  1. no, i can't think of and.i've actually tried, i wanted to find something, anything, but i can't and i lived thru nixon!

  2. The Ds say "no more troop build ups."

    Remember, Libertarians said we'd not go to war in Iraq. And, Libertarians would say much more than 'no troop expansion.'

    One respected Libertarian podcaster said we should first say "sorry." Then go home. Done.

    Could be done that way. That's what I want. But, too many Dems are happy with going to war and happy to no more troop expansion.

    Dems who want to be real peace keepers must figure out that the D party isn't doing what it could and should. Real promoters of peace are Libertarians. Once you join us (Ls), then the nation will be much closer to peace. Then the head scratching about peace, liberty and freedom stops.

  3. Mark,

    I can't buy off in it. Too many L's are Libbercons-they claim Libertarian views but slavishly back every position El Shrubbo has.

    Much like the dems, the Libertarians need to weed out the pretenders.

    As for the question? We never, at any time, had any reason at all to trust El Shrubbo. His history told us all we needed to know, long ago.

  4. Let's be fair. The initial phase of the invasion, right up to the point of "Mission Accomplished," was masterfully done.

    You might argue that the credit for those first couple of weeks should go to the military rather than the Bushies, and I would probably agree with you. But still...

    And you might argue that any credit the Bushies enjoy for that phase is more than offset by the fact that they were already way behind the eight-ball with no viable plan about what to do next, and I would certainly agree with you. But still...

    Yeah, they did something right. Just not much, and not the important stuff.

  5. The bad guy, Saddam H., is dead. The head of that evil state is beat, caught, jailed, given trial, executed.

    Game over. Come home.


    As to who backs war and the L's being pretenders at peace -- think again. I'll rest my case when you count up how many Ls vs. how many Ds in Congress voted for this war.


    El Shrubbo is no friend of freedom nor liberty.

    But, the Ls can't weed out the pretenders for a few reasons. One wins with addition. Two, we've already weeded out the weed haters. Three, weeding pretenders might also cut down idealists as we are so similar.
