February 2, 2007

Bloggers from Pandagon and Shakespeare's Sister join Edwards Campaign

Amanda Marcotte from Pandagon and Melissa McEwan from Shakespeare's Sister have been hired by the John Edwards for President Campaign. Both blogs have been longtime favorites on 2pj's blogroll.

Marcotte will be Edwards' Blogmaster and McEwan was brought on as the campaign's Netroots Coordinator.

While Pittsburgh's local MSM continues to debate the importance of blogs to the political scene, Edwards seemingly has less reservations.

It's worth noting that while some bloggers were hired as consultants or at least had their brains picked in the 2004 presidential race, it's looking like they will be taken more seriously this time around. Also, great to see that it's the girls getting the jobs for 2008.

Amanda and Melissa blog about their reasons for teaming up with Edwards here and here.

Congratulations to both of them, and I must say that Edwards is looking better and better to me.

1 comment:

  1. i haven't made any decision yet but i'm happy and proud of them both for the recognition. they've earned it.
