February 8, 2007

Coverage in the City Paper

Hey take a look, we're in the City Paper!

Though I do have to correct Marty Levine on one minor point. Late in the piece he wrote:

While there may have been no bloggers invited on Air Force One during the run-up to the last presidential election, David DeAngelo of 2 Political Junkies was invited to the Washington, D.C., swearing-in ceremony of Rep. Jason Altmire. DeAngelo never inquired, but it was probably his blog posts on the freshman Congressman, and on Melissa Hart, whom he defeated, that landed him the invite.

Altmire has his own blog, hosted by the Post-Gazette, but it's not hard to see why he might have invited coverage from 2 Political Junkies. Few mainstream journalists would offer such reliably positive attention; the post previewing the congressman's first 100 hours ends with "Today is a good day in DC."

Marty should have checked a few other blog postings of that day. My use of the sentence "Today is a good day in DC" had more to do with the fact that the House was now in the hands of the Democrats.

There's this short blog-post . While I point out that the swearing in ceremony marked the beginning of Altmire's congressional career, it ALSO marked the end (let's all hope) of Melissa Hart's. That was what I was celebrating there. Ended the post with:
It's a good day in DC.
Then take a look here. It was my last blog-post for the trip to DC where I outline some final thoughts on the day. Didn't even mention Congressman Altmire. I did, though, end it with:
Still, it was a very good day in DC.
I'm just sayin'. Though I can see where Marty got the impression that he got. I promise the next time I'm invited to DC to watch the swearing-in ceremony of a local politico, I'll be clearer.

Anyway, it's a good article. A few of the usual suspects get mentions (Sue Kerr, Mike Woychek, the Carbolic Smokeball guys, etc).

And for the record: It was a good day in DC because the republicans no longer controlled the House of Representatives. I apologize for if my lack of journalistic clarity caused anyone to think otherwise.



  1. Homsburger is a Liar lists mike and Liz as the contributors. Why is it that Levine gives you credit for that sits?

  2. Because Mike and Liz are David and myself.

  3. Yea, I think they're known as "pseudonymns."

  4. I've always thought Liz was kind of cute ...

  5. I love City Paper! Sometimes when I'm waiting for the bus the bench is wet, I grab a City Paper, put it down and it keeps my ass dry. Much better than Trib PM, which isn't thick enough to be 100 percent reliable. Yes, I love City Paper!

  6. Maria,

    I'm sure Peduto loved the $200 you sent to his campaign. AGENDA.

  7. Anon.,

    I'm sure he loved it too. See here for my full response.
