February 14, 2007

Following up on Santorum.

I missed this column the first few times. But get a gander and what Ralph Reiland, columnist for The Tribune-Review, has to say about my favorite ex-Senator-who-was-voted-out-of-office-by a-huge-margin-because-no-one-liked-him.

In his new job, Rick Santorum is an employee of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, a Washington-based think tank. "Our mission is to explore how the Judeo-Christian tradition applies to public policy," explains the center's president, M. Edward Whelan.

More specifically, Santorum will create and run EPPC's new "America's Enemies" program. "It's a stark name," says Santorum, "but we wanted to be candid about the fact that America really does have enemies and to point out that the nature of these enemies is much more complex than what people realize."

Note that we're dumb -- again. Just as we were moral pigmies when it came to understanding the gathering man-on-dog storm, now we're foreign policy pygmies when it comes to recognizing that America "really does have enemies" and that "the nature of these enemies is much more complex" than we realize.

"I was left after the election with a very clear sense of two things," explains Santorum. "Number one, the more I looked into the threat that confronts us, the more concerned I was about the gravity of that threat. And, number two, the more convinced I was that the American people didn't understand it."

He's "convinced," in short, that we just don't get it, don't see the "gravity," don't "understand it," just as too many of us didn't understand his make-em-suffer prescription for helping the poor. "Making people struggle a little bit," he maintained, "is not necessarily the worst thing."

Could not agree more.

I would like to point out that Santorum's latest frothy ejaculation on "the threat we're too dumb to face" is eeriely similar to some of the troll rants here at 2PJ.

Coincidence? I think not - just keeping tabs on the wingnuts of the world.


  1. Maybe Santorum has a point there. I had no idea that the threat of man-on-dog sex was this acute.

  2. David:

    When will you *ever* more forward? Santorum lost THREE months ago and you're still focusing on him?

    Please. And you have you speak of "wingnuts" of the world?

    You just cannot move forward. You keep harping on the same crap, day after day, after day.

    What's wrong David? Don't you have the guts to harp on what is really bothering you such as the true stance on where your beloved liberal Democrats stand on the war in Iraq? After all, they promised you one thing before 11/7, and now they're not delivering. If I were you, I'd be rather ticked off; but strangely I see nothing from you regarding that very fact. All you deliver anymore is demonstrating your delight with the past, and not the present or future.

    Curious .... It's not a "bury your head in the sand" moment for you, is it David?

    A lot of time has gone by since U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and two other prominent Democrats have failed to disclose they are officers of family charities, in violation of a law requiring members of Congress to report non-profit leadership roles. By the way, this is something the Democrats and Republicans made a big issue out of TWO YEARS ago.

    So much for Nancy Pelosi's "ethical" Congress, eh David?

    This all happened last month and I notice that you STILL haven't brought that "small oversight" up? I am sure you'd be all over it if a Republican did it, but since Democrats are involved, you turn your head the other way.

    But you'll still bring up Rick Santorum.

    And that's exactly the point I am trying to make.

    I can clearly see where your priorities are now.

  3. you have years of bringing up clinton, gee, how many years now?

    bill won't be running for president ever again, but you bet ricky will be ,at some time and his ideas and doings now, will matter.

  4. I. Don't. Care. About. Rick. Santorum. Anymore.

  5. The IMPOSTOR Democrats-Lie proves once again that he is a phony.

    He keeps complaining that Dayvoe doesn't "*ever* more [yes, he says 'more'] forward" yet he keeps coming back to 2PJ so that he can complain some more.

    Would we say this is *just* kind of sad? Yes, we would.

  6. No, what is sad is an adolescent fool would take it upon themselves to use the name of someone who they disagree with in terms of political issues.

    This just goes on to demonstrate how childish the liberal mindset can be, when given the chance.

  7. Well, IMPOSTOR Democrats-Lie, you should know!

    You know very well that YOU are the one using MY legitimate name. That would make YOU the adolescent liberal, wouldn't it?

    Of course, when you are a Right-Wing Crazy Idiot, it's *just* different.

  8. "Well, IMPOSTOR Democrats-Lie, you should know!

    You know very well that YOU are the one using MY legitimate name. That would make YOU the adolescent liberal, wouldn't it?"

    Ok, here's your chance:

    If that's the case, then why does my name contain the URL for democrats-lie.com, and yours does not, Mister "Genuine?"

    Surely if you were "legitimate," you would prove me wrong, since proving me wrong is something you'd love to do but fail miserably every time you try, so you resort to the above behavior. Has anyone told you that you're childish?

    Enough said. ;)

    I am glad I am getting to you. That rocks!

  9. Every time anyone speaks up at a city council meeting, we are told that we just don't get it, don't understand, aren't experts, don't have the background, etc.
    Here is a video of the mayor ripping apart a taxpayer who voiced concern about a corporate-welfare handout that didn't make sense to him. Mind you, this meeting for public input is state-mandated in order for the TIF loan to be given out.
    This guy is like a mini-Santorum - watch and you will see exactly what I mean.
    Peace - t.g.

  10. The IMPOSTOR Democrats-Lie said:

    why does my name contain the URL for democrats-lie.com, and yours does not, Mister "Genuine?"

    Gee, you got me there, IMPOSTOR. I can't imagine how you do that.
