February 7, 2007

Meanwhile, In Iraq

The AP is reporting:

More American troops were killed in combat in Iraq over the past four months — at least 334 through Jan. 31 — than in any comparable stretch since the war began, according to an Associated Press analysis of casualty records.

Not since the bloody battle for Fallujah in 2004 has the death toll spiked so high.
The reason is that U.S. soldiers and Marines are fighting more battles in the streets of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, and other cities. And while hostile forces are using a variety of weaponry, the top killer is the roadside bomb.

In some respects it is the urban warfare that U.S. commanders thought they had managed to largely avoid after U.S. troops entered Baghdad in early April 2003 and quickly toppled the Saddam Hussein regime.

Tell me again. Why are we there?


  1. Ooh, ooh, I know this one! There are many good reasons for the US to be taking several hundred casualties a month in Iraq.

    Here a just a few. The United States has troops in Iraq to:

    -- Tie down those stinking Suunis in their own country so that they can't paratroop into Gary, Indiana.

    -- Reduce unemployment. Remember: That's not a dead soldier, it's a job opening!

    -- Enhance the value of Dick Cheney's Halliburton options.

    -- Keep the Global War on Terror going. What else will the Republicans have to sell the electorate in 2008?

    -- Prepare a staging area for the invasion of Iran.

    -- Act as a vanguard for the Army of Good, accelerating the Battle of Armageddon in preparation for the Return in Glory of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

    Davoe, you are such an ass! As a well-paid pundit, you're supposed to know shit like this.

  2. -- Act as a vanguard for the Army of Good, accelerating the Battle of Armageddon in preparation for the Return in Glory of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

    that's the reason that scares me the most.

  3. To ensure that George looks good in future history books, or more specifically, the only book that will count: the forthcoming third testament of the Bible, called "The Gospel According to Batshit Crazy Leprachon Dreamers," in which he will be refered to as King George II, the Idiot-Lamb of God.

  4. nothing like turning the war on terror into another vietnam, eh David?

    It's exactly what you want to do.

    With all of this undermining you do, it's a wonder we will ever win the war on terror.

    That's right. You and your Democrat friends who supposedly support our troops continiously demonstrate your lack thereof. You undermine this administration in every single step of the way, and yet you fail to provide any logical suggestions as to how we can win the war on terror. All you do is undermine. All you do is the very same thing you liberals did during Vietnam. It's the 1960's all over again.

    By the way, you say you are not undermining the war on terror, you say that you are not trying to take the morale away from our troops. Right?

    Well answer this: If you were to attempt to undermine the war on terror and if you were to attempt to take the morale from our troops, what would you do differently than what you're all doing now?

  5. To undermine the War on Terror: I imagine I'd send an under-sized and ill-equipped force to topple a secular Arab country with no jihadi elements, thereby destabalizing the whole region, and crippling our own capacity to respond to our real, agile, global enemy. So on that note, I'd support the president.

    As to undermining morale, good question! I have a great deal of confidence that our soldiers are exceptionally well-trained and motivated, to protect their buddies and follow orders (thank God), so I don't view them as fragile children, like you. I suppose I could just keep redeploying them into combat five or six tours of duty, in longer stretches, with no serious diplomacy to provide light at the end of the tunnel. So again, I'd stick my head in the sand with you and support the president.

  6. Of course, you cannot answer intelligently. You can only answer with a sarcastic, adolescent response.

    That just goes to show anyone with half a grain of intelligence that you are indeed, turning this war on terror into another Vietnam.

    I say again, it's the 1960's all over again. Only this time, the pony tails are much grayer.

  7. I say again, it's the 1960's all over again.

    If only...

  8. That's the conservative story line these days. It was the hippies that lost the Vietnam war.

    Those damn hippies and their allies in the liberal media, by speaking out against the war lost it for America.

    Again, if only we didn't have that pesky 1st Amendment. Then America would be the great land that God intended.
