February 6, 2007

Start Making Sense

According to an article on campaign expenditures in yesterday's Pittsburgh Post- Gazette:
The suit Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl wore on "The Late Show With David Letterman" was paid for by campaign contributors.
Ravenstahl appeared on Letterman on September 14, 2006 and announced his candidacy three months later on December 4, 2006.

More importantly, as is pointed out in the comments section of this The Burgh Report post:

At that time the City's opinion was that he was Mayor until 2009.

It wasn't until Oct. 12, 2006 that Ravenstahl even knew that he would be running in 2007.

So this quote doesn't make any sense:

"He was representing the city of Pittsburgh, with clear intentions of running for election," said Damon Andrews, the mayor's campaign manager. "He bought the clothing to make the best possible impression."
Then again, perhaps Interim Mayor Ravenstahl just really likes to plan ahead. Though if our young mayor experiences a growth spurt between now and 2009, his judgment may be called into question.

Maybe that's why Common Cause/Pennsylvania Director Barry Kauffman called the expenditure "pretty unusual."


  1. I get my suits made on my dime at Sammy Taylor in Hong Kong (see album).

    My measurements are on file with him. I can furnish contact info so campiagn donors could invest in my wardrobe. :)

    My new suit costs about 1/6th of what Luke paid. He'd do a tux too. (Hint to Dan D.)

    My other suits and bits of clothing are hand-me downs. I often get shirts at Red-White-and-Blue and Goodwill.

    BTW, I loved seeing the reverse t-shirts being screen printed by Peduto's camp last election. Prudent!

  2. As long as his donors don't care, I don't. But if I were a Ravenstahl donor, I might be asking for my money back...

  3. I wonder which of his brilliant advisors told him THAT was a good idea - Well, he thinks that taxpayer $ is his to spend as he chooses on color photos of himself, why not go crazy w/the campaign $ as well???
