March 2, 2007

Lil Ricky Lands on His Feet

I am sure we're all pleased as punch to see that Rick "Man on Dog" Santorum's found himself a new gig - as a contributor at the Fox "News" channel.

Congratulations, Rick - you found your peeps.

Now you can lie and distort and pander in the only place in town where it's still called "fair and balanced."


  1. But will he bring his pets on-camera with him?

  2. Y'know, I can't help but wonder what sort of comments will just come pouring from his mouth.

    G-D help me, I may actually have to watch Fox News one of these days.

    First Hannity at the Bunny Ranch, and now this. Man, that Roger Ailes is slick.

  3. Funny how Mr. "I want my kids to have a Pennsylvania education" still manages to live in Virginia.
