March 23, 2007

March Against the War -- Tomorrow!

WHAT: March Against the War with DfP
WHEN: Saturday, March 24, 2007
WHERE: Meet at 1896 Herron Hill Pumping Station DPW (4501 Centre Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213)

If you saw coverage of last weekend's anniversary marches against the War On Iraq in DC and other cities, you may have wondered where was Pittsburgh's march. Wonder no more. It's being held tomorrow.

The Thomas Merton Center Anti War Committee is planning a mass demonstration to commemorate the 4th anniversary of the start of the war.

At 1:30 pm on Saturday, March 24, the AWC will be sponsoring a permitted March and Rally starting at Schenley High school with a concluding rally on Bigelow Blvd. between Forbes and Fifth Ave.

Many groups are helping to sponsor this event. One of them is Democracy for Pittsburgh (DfP) -- a group to which I belong. Unfortunately, I'm still not well enough to participate tomorrow. But if you'd like to go and want to march with a great group of folks, you are all welcome to march behind the DfP banner (tell them one of the Junkies sent you!...Uh...Maybe, you'd better say "Maria" sent you).

Democracy for Pittsburgh will meet at 1:00 pm to get "Pumped Up" in front of the "1896 Herron Hill Pumping Station DPW" on Centre Ave between Dollar St. and N. Dithridge St. They will march the short distance to the rally at Schenley H.S. and then join the main march to the second rally at the Pitt campus.

For complete details (parking, buses, map, etc.), go to DfP's blog here.

For more information on the march & rally, go to The Thomas Merton Center's website here.

RSVP to march with DfP here or just show up!

If you come late and still want to march with DfP, just look for the big white banner with this logo on it: