March 5, 2007

Must-Do List

The New York Times published a "Must-Do List" yesterday of things that need to be done to try to reverse "[t]he Bush administration’s assault on some of the founding principles of American democracy."

They add that, "Taking on this task is a moral imperative that will show the world the United States can be tough on terrorism without sacrificing its humanity and the rule of law."

I couldn't agree more!

The list "starts with three fundamental tasks:"
- Restore Habeas Corpus
- Stop Illegal Spying
- Ban Torture, Really

It also includes the following:
Close the C.I.A. Prisons
Account for ‘Ghost Prisoners’
Ban Extraordinary Rendition
Tighten the Definition of Combatant
Screen Prisoners Fairly and Effectively
Ban Tainted Evidence
Ban Secret Evidence
Better Define ‘Classified’ Evidence
Respect the Right to Counsel

But, please read the entire editorial here.

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