March 13, 2007

Some background

To this story.

Pittsburgh's police internal affairs office is investigating an incident in which a commander showed up at an accident scene involving a friend and drove her home.

Chief Nate Harper said the Office of Municipal Investigations is looking into the conduct of Cmdr. RaShall Brackney, commander of the East Liberty station, who arrived at the scene of a crash in the 3600 block of Liberty Avenue early Sunday after a friend of hers crashed into three parked cars.

Notice the name? Rashall Brackney. The same Rashall Brackney that our old friend Dennis Regan went ballistic over.

Documents in the case also shed light on another incident we first brought to light: Regan's interceding on behalf of a Southside tire business cited for violations by another police commander, Rashall Brackney.

Regan went to see Brackney at the Southside zone station and found that she wasn't there but according to the sworn statements from the officers who were there Regan told them to give Brackney a message: "(expletive) rolls down hill, and she will be in the (expletive)."

I'm pretty sure the "expletive" in those sentences is the word "shit" but I could be wrong.

I'm not saying that the two incidents are connected. Without any evidence it would be wrong to assume such a connection - post hoc ergo propter hoc. Someone, though, should maybe think about asking the question as to whether they are.

I'm just saying.

If anything it only underscores what the formerly long-haired one said a while back:
Do you ever feel like Pittsburgh is a little too much like a small town? I mean, you go to a bar, say, and meet someone who's just your type ... until you find out they work with your ex.
Yep, that's Pittsburgh.

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