April 11, 2007

Councilwoman Carlisle to be arraigned on multiple criminal charges today

Now we know why Pittsburgh Councilwoman Twanda Carlisle hired a lawyer yesterday: she's being arraigned in Brookline today at 10:00 AM.

The charges include:
  • Theft by conspiracy
  • Criminal conspiracy
  • Violations of the state Ethics Act
  • Election Code violations
  • Failure to file required financial disclosures
  • From the Post-Gazette:
    An affidavit filed by Detective William Miller of the Allegheny County District Attorney's office indicates that on 50 occasions, Ms. Carlisle made cash deposits into her personal bank account at Dollar Bank within one day of one of the consultants cashing a city check.
    Ms. Carlisle faces seven challengers for her Council seat in May.

    The Trib covers it here. (Short) video at KDKA TV here.


    1. AHAHAHAHA. That's hilarious. It's about time someone caught on, I've been hearing this stuff about her for like, three years.

    2. Why on earth do we have councilpeople?

    3. She should have kept it more low key like Motznik and just taken city funds to buy votes by handing out candy and drinks to constituents.

    4. I think she should drop the candidacy and cop a plea immediately.

    5. Seriously, there should be a call to rake Motznik through the same coals. If I understand the charges against Twanda, she's accused of inexplicably accepting $ from her own contractors (b/t/w the DA must have a secret witness to tie the circumstantial evidence together - otherwise, how does he prove intent?). Does anyone out there remember the allegations against Motznik that never made it to the investigative stage? Didn't he drive a city car while his personal car was in the shop, fill the city car tank w/'free' city gasoline and then submit requests for mileage and gas reimbursement? And that's not unethical or un-criminal??? I agree w/the burgher, and I'll take it a step further - why isn't there a watchdog who demands accountability from these people???

    6. Well, Luke kinda set himself up as a watchdog, albeit after the fact. Remember he said review of contractor invoices over $10,000 was "good enough"? When Peduto/Shields wanted the treshold to be only $1,000? And remember he further said tht he, as City Council Prez, would personally do the scrutinizing of invoices?

      Then isn't the Ethics Board supposed to be some sort of watchdog? Even if its again, after the fact?

    7. 1. Luke hasn't done a thing to convene the Ethics Board since Peduto upstaged him months ago;
      2. Luke certainly isn't going to refer his boy Motznik to the DA or Ethics Board
      3. Luke wouldn't know an ethics violation if it smacked him between the eyes (wonder if anyone else is keeping tabs on all the free tickets he gets for sporting events?)
      4. Twanda still has a chance of winning the primary election - it's such a crowded field, and I recall reading an article about how Luke won his district by accumulating just 2,600 votes - how many will it take to win her seat back? 1,000? 2,000 - her arrest might just garner enough sympathy votes...

    8. ok, i know we have some hateration on for Motznik but please... Use of and a tank of gas for a city car that's then claimed for mileage or over $100,000.00 of city funds spent on non-consulting fees. oh yes, $38,000+ of that ended up in her personal account and $4,850 in her campaign's account!!

    9. Opportunist THIEF! Pure and simple. She has claimed the maximum reimbursement for mileage on her personal car. Not surprising. We bought her books and books on a variety of subjects ranging from cooking, menopause, and straight men who sleep with men.

      We as taxpayers should demand reimbursement + interest and honest accountability. Who is reviewing these 30,000-dollar studies she is ordering? No wonder there is an exodus from the 'burgh.

      New Orleans here I come!

    10. I cannot believe her Mother took a shot with the Imus rant and said her daughter will have a tough time because women are treated badly. Hey Mom, guess where she learned stealing from? From Y-O-U!!! Nice parenting and now, G-I-V-E back the money you and your Boyfriend stole along with your criminal daughter. That's a good question, why are their council-people (and why are they given all this $$)?
