April 3, 2007

One more thing about McCain's "stroll" in Baghdad

Not only did McCain's stroll through a Baghdad market to prove how "safe" it is there require the services of 1 bulletproof vest, 100 American troops, 3 Black Hawk helicopters and 2 Apache gun ships, but some poor mooks had to sweep the area first -- risking their lives for his photo op.

This is not a man who should ever be our nation's Commander in Chief.


  1. i swear, it is getting to be like a fellini film and a david lynch film spliced and run backwards!

  2. well,at least McCain's not in Syria kissing Bashar Assad's ass like Peloser is...

  3. Correct. McCain's ass-kissing schedule is all booked up. Mr. Bush's butt has a monopoly on McCain's lips.

  4. While I totally agree with you in taking McCain to task for asserting that things are so "safe" in Iraq, I don't see where it necessarily follows that he is less qualified to be CINC than, say, Barak Obama. If Obama had gone to Iraq this past week, the military still would have rolled out the Kevlar vest, the helicopters, and the pre-visit sweep. No career-oriented officer wants to see a Senator get shot on his watch.

    At least McCain went there. You and I can disagree with his conclusions. And really, as someone who has been an officer, he should know how to spot a "dog and pony show" when the military gives him one.

    But from your conclusion, you imply that that he would somehow be in a better position to be the CINC if he simply hadn't gone to Iraq at all. I'm not buying that. I would rather listen to a candidate who has actually been there than one who simply went across the river to attent a Pentagon briefing on the subject.

    I'm not convinced that McCain is the best person to be our next president, but given his military experience and his background, I am more than confortable with the notion of him being the CINC.

  5. McCavein wouldn't know the difference is he actually had been in Syria.

    Those Iraqis McCavein says are so safe tried to give him some straight talk, but his express chugged right on by them.

  6. I would rather listen to a candidate who has actually been there than one who simply went across the river to attend a Pentagon briefing on the subject.

    Not if the person came back and said things that were obviously, demonstrably untrue. I'd take my chances with the guy who went to the briefing, provided he/she showed evidence of consciousness (notably lacking from McCavein's glowing report, disputed by the Iraqi shopkeepers themselves.)

    I'm not sure how somebody can take McCavein's delusions and use them as "proof" of his fitness for the office of President.

  7. Admiral,

    The difference in McCain's visit and the visit of some others who have gone are:

    1. He went there specifically to try to backup ridiculous false statements that he had made (That Americans can walk safely through Baghdad, that "General Petraeus goes out there almost every day in an unarmed humvee," etc).

    2. He could have requested to ride along on a regular patrol instead of the dog & pony show at the market. The merchants who were interviewed afterward say they now fear for their lives after having been pictured with McCain and gang. And, troops were put in harm's way just for his special photo op in the market.

  8. even the Washington Post takes a shot at the the Peloser's Syrian tour

