April 10, 2007

Reminder Announcement

I'll be on OffQ this Friday, the 13th.

The weird thing is that the picture they're using:

Doesn't really look like me any more as I shaved the beard about a year ago. But I'll be on in a suit and tie, sitting next to my good friend Fred Honsberger.


  1. "suit and tie"

    That will be a first for you on this show.

  2. It's only the SECOND suit I've ever owned. And the first was a graduation gift from my parents for making it through collge!

    I graduated in '85, by the way.

  3. Great! I think you do a great job on this show. In the spirit of Al. Gonzales, allow me to prep you for the show. In the inevitable Imus section, go to media matters and get material to compare what Imus said to what all these other radio clowns say all the time. Don't excuse Imus - make everyone take a two week, or longer, vacation until they stop using racist and sexist comment to boost ratings. And make sure to preempt Honz with the inevitable excuse he will give to most of the segments - It was Clinton's fault! And - on the troop funding bill issue, don't let Honz or Ruth Ann go spoutin off 'naccuracies, n'at. Call them on their crap.

  4. i'd love to ask fred what he thinks of coulter's comments she made on darfur recently.

  5. Sherry,

    I missed that. What did she say?

    by Ann Coulter
    April 4, 2007

    In light of the increasing noise from the fifth column in America, it is a serious question whether President Bush would have the will to deploy military force even to stop a deadly serious threat to the United States.

    I'm speaking, of course, of Darfur.

    Saddam's barbaric rape rooms, chemical attacks and torture — those, liberals could live with. But now they want us to send troops to Darfur, a country from which no one anticipates terrorism anytime in the next millennium. If you're looking for a good definition of "no imminent threat," Darfur is it. The climate change "emergency," set to start taking effect sometime during the next century, is a more imminent threat to the United States than Darfur.

    These people can't even wrap up genocide. We've been hearing about this slaughter in Darfur forever — and they still haven't finished. The aggressors are moving like termites across that country. It's like genocide by committee. Who's running this holocaust in Darfur, FEMA? ...

    this cam directly from her website.
