April 4, 2007

So Much BS In Such A Little Space

From the AP:
President Bush denounced "irresponsible" Democrats on Tuesday for going on spring break without approving money for the Iraq war with no strings. He condemned House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's trip to Syria, too, accusing her of encouraging a terrorism sponsor.
Two separate sentences, two separate lines of BS.

The first sentence, spoken with a straight face by a man who's the most vacationed (on vacation in Crawford, Tx for 405 days so far) President in US History. Yesterday, dubya complained it's been 57 days since he sent the budget request to Congress. That's unacceptable, he said. It puts the troops in greater danger he said. Blah-blah-blah. Turns out that, according to Keith Olbermann, previous Iraq supplemental budgets took LONGER than the one making its way through Congress now. During recent Republican Congresses it took 86 and then 119 days for Congress to finish its work two earlier Iraq supplemental budgets. Nothing from dubya on the danger the Republicans posed to the Nation's Security THEN. (see the video here)

On the second sentence. Looks like the Administration cooperated with a Republican Congressman on a recent trip to Syria. The info is here. And it links back to this article in the Lancaster Intelligencer Journal. Take a look:

While U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's upcoming visit to Syria has caused the White House to bristle, a little-publicized rendezvous took place Sunday between Syria's president and Lancaster County's congressman.

And though Bush administration officials have been criticizing Pelosi, it's not clear what role the White House and the U.S. Department of State played when U.S. Rep. Joe Pitts and two other Republican congressmen met with Syrian President Bassar Assad.

Pitts is a Chester County Republican who represents Lancaster County.

Gabe Neville, Pitts' chief of staff, said Monday the conference between Assad and the three Republicans was intended to be "low profile."

"It was done in cooperation with the administration," he said.

And that's just the FIRST TWO SENTENCES.

1 comment:

  1. The behavior of the Bush Administration has become so beyond-the-pale bizarre that even their most fervent defenders seem to have left the debating table -- at least in this blog.

    It's not surprising, but it does take a lot of the fun out of blogging. Of course, they were never going to open their eyes to the the facts -- that's against the law in Wingnuttia -- but it was amusing watching them cut and run from their beloved felons.

    So this is really the worst of all possible worlds: Bush/Cheney are still abusing us, and we have no one to abuse in return.
