May 7, 2007


I'll be on the Lynn Cullen show this Friday from 9 till noon. And when I say I'll be "on the Lynn Cullen show from 9 till noon" let me be more accurate.

I'll be hosting the Lynn Cullen show this Friday from 9 till noon.

Just me. Lynn will be off and I, your lowly blogger scribe, will be filling in for the day.

I plan to talk about puppies and sunsets and the devastating effect the cancellation of "The Gilmore Girls" will be having on our once-great Nation's already shredded cultural landscape.

Just kidding.

I'm sure we'll be talking local politics, and I'm just as sure we'll be talking national politics as well.


  1. i should be around to listen in.
    congrats, you are doing great.

  2. Do you think we can hook up a time for a caller from New Zealand?

    We could do voice over IP thing. We could talk via TalkShoe. You and I just call into a private line. Then I'm talking to you via voice over IP and not costing us anything.

    Email me if you want to give it a whirl. We could test it too, to give us both confidence.

    Mark @ Rauterkus. com

    I'm checking email -- most days.

  3. now tracking this offer
