May 11, 2007

Dowd Picks Up More Endorsements

Speaking of endorsements, in addition to receiving Democracy for Pittsburgh's nod this week, Patrick Dowd (running for City Council District 7) picked up three big endorsements from AFSCME District Council 84, New Pittsburgh Courier and the Pittsburgh Tribune Review.

Dowd has already received endorsements from:
Planned Parenthood Western PA Action Fund
PA League of Young Voters PAC
The Gertrude Stein Club
The Sierra Club
Steel City Stonewall Dems
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Candidate Website:


  1. Are you guys endorsing Dowd?

  2. I don't know if we're doing endorsements. We really haven't discussed it, but I will say if I was in that district (I'm not) I would be voting for Dowd.
