May 30, 2007

It's Official: It's Dowd!

From the Dowd Campaign:
For Immediate Release

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Board of Elections Certifies May 15th Dowd Victory

The Allegheny County Division of Elections today completed the preliminary certification process of May 15th primary results for Council District seven. Patrick Dowd's official margin of victory over incumbent Councilman Len Bodack, Jr. will stand at 91 votes (3133 votes Dowd, 3042 votes Bodack) , making Dowd the Democratic nominee for the seat in the November general election. Final certification occurs at the State level on June 4th.

"While we have remained confident in the certainty of our victory, I am pleased that the certified results reflect numbers our campaign has maintained. As I have said since Tuesday the 15th, I look forward to working with Councilman Bodack and every community organization to address the multitude of issues facing constituents," Patrick said. "I hope Councilman Bodack shares my belief that a smooth and orderly transition will best serve the neighborhoods he has represented for the last four years."

"I look forward to spending my summer reading, meeting with residents of Council District 7 and, most of all, listening," Patrick said.


According to last week's Post-Gazette, Len Bodack said he would wait until the final certification of the vote before deciding on any next step. He has five days from the certification to issue any challenge of the results.


  1. Yeahhhhoooooo!!!
    I'm the first to make a comment on this post! And it is offical!

  2. Well then, congratulations to you too, SMA!

  3. Congratulations Dr. Dowd! Goodbye Ron Douchebag, wont be sad to see you go.
