May 5, 2007

Overheard on KDKA - Fred's at it again

Yesterday, I was listening (as I sometimes do) to Fred Honsberger and I heard him, yet again, use the "Georges Sada defense" in another bleak attempt to prop up dubya's decision to take this country to war.

A caller tried to point out the non-existence of Saddam's WMD as evidence of dubya's dishonesty and Fred dutifully snapped to attention with the above mentioned "Georges Sada."

Here's what he said (it's a paraphrase, I was taking notes):
We have Georges Sada. He was Saddam Hussein's Airforce General and he said
the WMD was flown into Syria before the war."
All of that, of course, is absolutely true. Georges Sada was a 2-star general in the Iraqi Air Force and he did say that the WMD were flown to Syria before the war. The stuff that Fred's leaving out (and this is stuff he should know about) shows how much spin is necessary in order to push this tired old excuse of a story.

Let's look at Sada's history. True he was a 2-star general in the Iraqi Air Force, but is he one now? According to Fred Nile, President of the Christian Democrati Party in Australia:
Sada was ordered to join Saddam Hussein's Ba'ath Party in 1986. He refused to do so and was thus forced to retire.
By my count that was 21 years ago. Nile goes on:
Shortly after Sada was forced out of the air force Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait and Sada was the first man he called back into service. He was restored to his former position and put in charge of the air force. Sada was obviously a loyal citizen of Iraq but because he would not execute the American prisoners he was thrown into prison.
This, according to his aubiography was in 1991. By my count that's 16 years ago. Since then he'd held no role in Saddam's regime. His book quotes (though doesn't name) a couple of pilots as the source of the story. According to Sada, they flew the WMD to Syria in the Spring of 2002.

On whether he actually saw this taking place, Sada admits during an interview with Brian Lehrer that he was not an eyewitness to the events.

Remember Congressman Peter Hoekstra? He's the guy who, along with Rick Santorum, announced the "finding" of Saddam's WMD in the form of those 500 empty shells. The story proved to be bogus. The story does point out, though, that Hoekstra was one of those who believe that the WMD were in Iraq before the war. In the New York Sun on March 6, 2006 we can see these sentences:

Mr. Hoekstra said that after the committee's staff had interviewed former Iraqi regime officials recommended by a former general, Georges Sada, he could not confirm General Sada's account that weapons of mass destruction had been transferred to Syria in the spring of 2002 in a converted civilian aircraft.

"We have not been able to verify the claims made in General Sada's book," Mr. Hoekstra said. "We followed up pretty extensively. There were some interesting things. But we can't verify the aircraft transfer."

So. Fred's telling a story about a retired general who'd been thrown in prison by Saddam Hussein and had since had no official interaction with that regime ever again, no direct evidence of the transfer of WMD to Syria other than two unnamed sources, and no verification from a sympathetic member of Congress who himself was keen to find evidence of pre-war Saddam's WMD.

And it all comes up empty.

Fred, honestly, should you retire this story? It's over. It's untrue. There's nothing there.


  1. it works for fred. if he refuses to tell the whole story and talks over, interupts or switches subjects on a caller that dares to actually KNOW something about a subject, his faithful listeners(who want and need to be soothed and validated in their right wing fantasies)cheer.
    why would he change?
    he makes a good living doing what he does, never mind if it's a bit unethical in my opinion.
    my opinion means nothing to him.

  2. FYI - I've heard Gen Sada speak twice and met him once after one of his speeches. I believe him to be the real thing. The pilots who told him about Saddam's chem/bio weapons being flown to Syria were his student pilots in the military who later became civilian airline pilots. These pilots flew multiple flights in converted airliners under the guise of humanitarian aid to Syria after a dam disaster. The reason why the intel committee can't confirm what Sada has said is that the pilots won't confirm it publicly because of they or their families will likely be killed.

    Regardless of what you think about Gen Sada said there is plenty of info to suggest that a lot of Saddam's WMD went to Syris in the run up to GWII. Read the works of Ray Robison, Scott Malensek, and Mark Eichenlaub.

    Here's a link to one of Scott's pieces:

    Did Saddam’s WMD Go to Syria


  3. Off the topic a bit:

    Going to war? Isn't that what you libs want in terms of Darfur? We went to Iraq and liberated the Iraqi people from a hideous dictator who murdered countless numbers of his own people and your political party leaders raise hell and claim they were misled when they signed off on going to war ( that right there says A LOT about them in the first place), not to mention several YEARS before Bush started his first term in office you all forget that Clinton, Kerry, Kennedy and Co., all stated that it was a matter of time before Saddam had WMD's and how he needed to be taken out. But you all know, since Bush is a Republican and takes out Hussein and you all scream bloody murder. Why? He's a Republican. Why do I get the feeling that if Bush were a Democrat, you'd all be praising him as a hero and as a liberator? *cough*

    The Democrats are absolutely frantic. Why? Because great progress is being made in Iraq and they are in denial of it all. Why? They want a loss. Why? Because it would provide a strong, solid political standing for the Presidential race of 2008. If we were to succeed, the Democrats would look like complete morons, and they all know it. This is why they want a loss so badly. And the same goes for each and every single one of you.

    And then people like Murtha are on the television stating that HIS intelligence differs than what the top military brass in Iraq is reporting. So, where is Murtha's intelligence coming from? And since when does Murtha get "more accurate" intelligence than from the top military brass in Iraq? And ultimately, why didn't Murtha reveal his "source?" Interesting, wouldn't ya say?

    And yet, you assholes petition Bush to save Darfur? (
    Excuse me, but what exactly is the difference between Darfur and Iraq? I say fuck Darfur and let them sort it out, especially since the way you and your political whack jobs have completely undermined our operations in Iraq. When I see people standing in front of the press with cameras clicking away and he says that the "war is lost," that about does it for me.

    Why would we EVEN want to start up another "Iraq" again given your political party leaders actions? F You All, and F Darfur, too. Let France go in and save them.

  4. Ron;

    Whatever Gen Sada is presenting, it doesn't pass the smell test. And here's why: Let's say it's ALL true. Then why hasn't the Bush administration run with it?

    Why hasn't every question at every news conference begun with, "As Ray Robison, Scott Malensek, and Mark Eichenlaub have proved, we were right about the WMD."?

    They took a beating (and continue to take a beating) on being wrong about Saddam's WMD - so if they're right, why not let everyone know that their critics are out and out wrong?

    The fact that they haven't has to tell you that they think that Ray Robison, Scott Malensek, and Mark Eichenlaub are the ones who are wrong.


  5. Remember how Fred said the Democrats were more likely to lie than republicans? Well Fred, the shoe is on the other foot. YOU Fred, are a liar, and YOUR party is the party of liars.

  6. Anonymous #1, I don't care if you already did a tour in Iraq, were in Iraq War 1, the Viet Nam War, the Korean War, WW 1, even in the War of 1812. What is your fat ass doing typing instead of being in Iraq now, fighting for what you say you believe in. Do something different boy, walk the walk or shove the keyboard up your ass.

  7. Joe Bunda, I'll take my keyboard and I'll shove it up YOUR liberal ass, you cowardly son of a bitch. Bring IT on.

  8. It's past your bedtime fat ass. Hurry to sleep maybe you'll have a dream that you're a big brave boy now, but then what a bummer when you wake up and see, just like always you're still a little jackoff. Night night fat ass.

  9. 8:07 AM

    Good point. Either Bush is an idiot or we're in one hell of a game of Texas Hold'm. The bets are down, the players are committed, false "tells" have been sent, and the final cards are about to be played.

    There are three carrier battlegroups now in or near the Gulf.

    Of course if this were true it would further demonstrate the blindness of the CIA (AKA CYA).


  10. Let's lay off actually swearing AT each other or I'm going to need to delete the comments where this occurs.


  11. great progress is being made in Iraq

    Master Lie, it would seem that your perception of the word "progress" is a bit different than mine. Perhaps you think of rising violence as progress. See, I would see that as a reversal rather than progress.

    I guess you could describe an increase in chaos as progress. It is indeed MORE of something. Still, many people would think of that as a bad thing.

    How about increasing American military casualties? Progress? Is suppose it could be, for a person who doesn't support the troops; otherwise, not so much.

    As for Darfur, your beloved leader has called it a genocide. Does that make him a liberal?

    And by the way, even gonzo warhawk John "Bomb, Bomb Iran" McCain claims that Bush and Cheney are the ones who have "undermined operations in Iraq." Who's wrong there?
