May 11, 2007

Public Works Crew STILL Wearing Koch T-shirts???!

Can it be true?

According to an email and phone call that I just received, someone saw the Koch T-shirts on a Public Works crew in a truck today at 10:15 AM at Ross Street.

The person said that they began to approach the truck to inquire about the shirts but before they could say anything the driver smiled at them and said, "Yeah, still wearing them!" and then they pulled away.

The person recorded the truck license number as: MG2116D

Anyone else see this?


  1. Holy Smoking Tailpipes! Your intrepid reader should call OMI at 412-255-2804 to file a report.

  2. Boy, that Public Works crew really must respect its supervisor & mayoral BFF Kevin Quigley - or maybe they feel that Quigley has no problem with this behavior?

    Were they given 5-day suspensions for being out of uniform or for campaigning on city time? 5-days will never fly for the former, but is probably appropriate for the latter. Although, why haven't the employees who wear "I like Luke" buttons to work been subjected to the same "justice"?

  3. Who gives a shit?
