June 23, 2007

Black Male Solidarity Day

WHAT: Black Male Solidarity Day (March & Rally)
WHEN: Today, June 23, 2007, 10:00 AM
WHERE: City-County Building on Grant at 10:00 AM. Then, the group will march to Freedom Corner for an 11:30 AM rally.

Chris Moore (Black Horizons, offQ, KDKA Radio) was subbing on Honsberger Live (when will PCNC break down and give that show to Chris?) this week and during a discussion of the Larimer Fire a caller tried to call out Moore on his involvement with the Black community. Moore pushed back challenging the caller if he knew where Moore would be this Saturday morning and betting that he wouldn't see the caller there.

I had no idea what Moore was referring to until I happened across the Invisible Men blog at the Post-Gazette which mentioned today's Black Male Solidarity Day:
First up, I want to tell you about what is being billed as Black Male Solidarity Day. Organizers are asking black men to "man up" and confront the ills of violence, incarceration and joblessness to make a change for self-determination and building a collective consensus. It is asking all black males in Western Pennsylvania to gather at the City-County Building on Grant on June 23 at 10 a.m. From there, the group will march to Freedom Corner for an 11:30 a.m. rally.
Googling "Black Male Solidarity Day" led me to a Brotha Ash Production's (BAP) webpage which gives lots more info, including a list of the many organizations and prominent people endorsing the event. (BAP also hosts a page for Tim Stevens' B-PEP, The Black Political Empowerment Project, which we've linked to in past posts.)

You can also read about the march and rally in a couple of New Pittsburgh Courier articles (here and here) and coming back full circle, in today's P-G here.


  1. i think chris moore is an excellent host. i have watched him on and off for years now.
    i saw his special when he and his friends when back to vietnam and it was excellent.
    i think he is smart and fair.
    i wish they would give that show to him.

  2. where the hell is fred anyway. he has not been on in ages

  3. Fred's still on the radio, though he does appear to suffer from a variety of health problems which seem to keep him off TV (offQ and HL).

    The fact is though that he has been off the PCNC show which bears his name for at least a year now.

    It really is time for them to chose a host and rename the show.

    For a while there they had both Moore and Pintek subbing, but it seems that they may have settled on Pintek at night (Night Talk) and Moore in the day (HL).

    Maybe some letterwriting/emailing/phonecalling might persuade them to make Moore a permanent host in the 10:00 AM hour.

  4. pintak will be subbing for quinn during vacations. that speaks volumes about his fan base.

  5. They'll never give that show to Chris Moore. He already has three strikes against him. He's black, he's a liberal, he speaks the truth.

  6. maybe, maybe not.

    i think he's an excellent host and i'm a middle aged white female.

    tho i am a liberal! ; )
