June 27, 2007

Elizabeth Edwards confronts Ann Coulter

Here's the video that David is talking about on the radio now:


  1. i watched part of the interview last night. i turned it off. it sickened me.

    when she said she didn't care how many iraq civilians were killed.

    just what was it again about bringing democracy...???

  2. David stated that Ann Coulter called for the assassination of John Edwards. Maybe he should read the whole quote.
    But about the same time, you know, Bill Maher was not joking and saying he wished Dick Cheney had been killed in a terrorist attack. So I've learned my lesson. If I'm gonna say anything about John Edwards in the future, I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot.
    Of course you guys did not criticize Maher for that as Cheney is evil.

    BTW the caller Bob told David that conservatives were responsible for the firing of Don Imus. David did not dispute him.
    I would like to point out that the person who led the charge for the firing of Imus was Al Sharpton and I do not believe you can classify him as a conservatives. I would say that liberals were responsible for the firing of Don Imus.

  3. Not that a resident of People's Democratic Repuplic of Wingnuttia would ever distort the truth or even -- couldn't be, ever -- lie about it, but it's funny: Mein Heir gives us the Coulter quote, chapter and verse, but not the Maher quote. That's strange. I wonder why he would do it exactly that way. Hmmm...now, think, Schmuck. Why would Mein Heir make an argument about the wording of one quote, but omit the wording of the other. Let's think...nobody tell me...I'll work this out soon........

  4. If you followed the link you would have found a reference to this page.
    Bill Maher Sorry the Assassination Attempt on Dick Cheney Failed"

    It even has a link to the video.

    After some discussion about why Huffington should or shouldn’t have taken these comments down, the following occurred:

    Ridley: It’s one thing to say you hate Dick Cheney, which applies to his politics. It’s another thing to say, “I’m sorry he didn’t die in an explosion." And I think, you know…

    Maher: But you should be able to say it. And by the way...

    Frank: Excuse me, Bill, but can I ask you a question? Do you decide what the topics are for this show?

    Maher: Yeah, I decide the topics, they don’t go there.

    Frank: But you exercise control over the show the way that she does over her blog.

    Maher: But I have zero doubt that if Dick Cheney was not in power, people wouldn’t be dying needlessly tomorrow. (applause)

    Scarborough: If someone on this panel said that they wished that Dick Cheney had been blown up, and you didn’t say…

    Frank: I think he did.

    Scarborough: Okay. Did you say…

    Maher: No, no. I quoted that.

    Frank: You don’t believe that?

    Maher: I’m just saying if he did die, other people, more people would live. That’s a fact.

  5. Sorry, I missed your link.

    But why didn't you include the script in your first post? Could it be because Maher DID NOT say, as you claimed, that "he wished Dick Cheney had been killed in a terrorist attack?"

    On the other hand, Coulter DID say, "I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot."

    So I guess either I'm missing your point, or you er, ah, misspoke. Or perhaps you had no point.

  6. Wait, wait, I DO see your point. I misunderstood before, Mein Heir. Your point was that the Coulter person was lying when she claimed that Maher said he wished Cheney had been killed, correct?

    Excellent point. I completely agree with you about that.

  7. At one point in the video Lil Annie looks uncomfortable -- even with the shades -- I believe it's about the time that Elizabeth Edwards is calling her out on making fun of her dead son. That was around the time that the mostly pro Coulter audience started applauding...Elizabeth!

    Oh, and SS: Nicely done

  8. {blushing furiously}

  9. Your point was that the Coulter person was lying when she claimed that Maher said he wished Cheney had been killed, correct?
    Coulter Didn't Say It. Again. UPDATED
    In the transcript, Maher does not condemn the comment; in fact, he goes out of his way to defend it. And that is more than Coulter did: She was clearly attacking Maher and those who turned a blind eye to his clear implication.

  10. Schmuck, can I use your standard to call David and the Edward's campaign liars for saying Ann Coulter called for the assassination of John Edwards.?

  11. If you can justify your statement, Mein Heir, you don't need my permission. The standard is not mine. As Wingnuts seem to have difficulty understanding, the standard is truth.

    Here's some truth that you either willfully avoid or are otherwise not equipped to consider: The Coulter creature said, "I'll wish." When a person (or Coulter) states his/her wish, he/she is, in fact, "calling for" the thing to happen.

    Maher had several opportunities to express a wish and he declined. What he did was to offer an opinion of what the consequence would have been of a successful assassination.

    See, this truth thing isn't hard. I'll bet you can do it if you tried. Don't worry, I'm sure it won't spread among your right-wing collegues.

  12. Maher had several opportunities to express a wish and he declined. What he did was to offer an opinion of what the consequence would have been of a successful assassination.
    You mean Maher had several opportunities to express that he did not wish for Cheney to be assassinated and he declined.

    So if someone is asked if George W. Bush was behind 9/11 and they decline to answer.
    Like this lovely lady.
    Does that mean they believe the official story of 9/11?

  13. Mein Heir, you have never denied your role in the 9/11 attacks. Does that make you a terrorist?

    Once again, and slowly this time:

    Maher--did--not--express--a--desire--that--Cheney--should--be--killed. The--Coulter--creature--on--the--other--hand--DID--express--a--desire--that--Edwards--should--be--assassinated.

    Thanks for asking. Keep the questions coming.

  14. Maher--did--not--express--a--

    So you are saying that Maher does not desire people not dying needlessly or more people would living (in his opinion).

    "But I have zero doubt that if Dick Cheney was not in power, people wouldn’t be dying needlessly tomorrow. (applause)
    I’m just saying if he did die, other people, more people would live. That’s a fact."

  15. So you are saying that Maher does not desire people not dying needlessly or more people would living (in his opinion).

    Well, I must thank you for honoring my request to keep the questions coming; but I seem to be having a problem helping you understand the nature of fact and truth, as opposed to conjecture and falsehood. As you will see if you read my posts, I said nothing about Maher's desires, except that he expressed none about the Cheney assassination attempt. However -- and this is really getting tiresome -- The Thing that calls itself Coulter was quite firm in expressing its wish that Edwards had died. Moreover, it did so after lying about what Maher said. (You'll have to ask The Thing what its phony, manufactured attack on Maher had to do with Mrs. Edwards, who had just kicked The Thing's anorexic ass in debate despite The Thing's repeated attempt to simply shout her out.)

    It seems pretty straightforward to me. If not so to you, in your response you may feel free to point out which words you didn't understand.

  16. Hey, I just want to say that I'll take our, um, "dissenters" here any day over those weird-ass Stuart Smalleyesque trolls who were infesting The Burgh Report.

  17. You all forget the all important question:

    Where was John? And why wasn't he on the phone confronting Ann Coulter? I wait! I know why! He's too chicken to confront Ann Coulter, so he sends his bitch to do is dirty work.

    Again, this is the example of how the political left wants to silence the conservative moment in this country. Mrs. Edwards told Ann Coulter to shut up, all the while the political left themselves continue to say anything they want at any given time.

    Again, another demonstration/fine example of how the 1st Amendment does not apply to anyone who opposes liberals.

    Another fine example is John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Maruce Hinchy, Nancy Pelosi and Co.'s wanting the Fairness Doctrine back....which is something NONE of you will talk about because YOU ALL know it's true.

    What part of "Congress Shall Make No Law" do your beloved Democrats in Congress not understand?

    Oh yeah, and then we have Fred Thompson...the man Democrats are going after and Fred hasn't even announced his intention to run. I smell the stench of fear coming from the Democrats. I love it. LOL!

  18. You all forget the all important question:

    Where was John? And why wasn't he on the phone confronting Ann Coulter? I wait! I know why! He's too chicken to confront Ann Coulter, so he sends his bitch to do is dirty work.

    Very classy comment, Troll.

    So that's the important question, is it? I would have thought that lowering the level of political discourse to calling people "fags" and "bitches" was the important question, but if you insist...

    Having taken on Dick "The Traitor" Cheney, I kinda doubt that Edwards would be "too chicken" to take on Ann "Felonious Bomb Throwing TG Cunt" Coulter.

    And if we are going to take politicians wives out of the picture, let's start with Laura "Enabler of Drunks" Bush and Barbara "Hatchet Faced Mother of the Beast" Bush, shall we?
