June 21, 2007

EVENT TODAY: Summer fun and…Alberto Gonzales?

WHAT: Alberto Gonzales Impeachment Rally in Downtown Pittsburgh by Democracy for Pittsburgh
WHEN: Thursday, June 21, 2007, 12:15 PM to 12:30 PM
WHERE: Mellon Square: 6th and William Penn (corner of park), Pittsburgh PA 15219

Summertime is starting. It’s time for sun and games.

Fifty-three senators will enjoy the independence day recess feeling good about their vote to censure Alberto Gonzales. After the recess, it will be Congress’s turn to take up the job of impeaching Mr. Gonzales.

Right now, it’s our turn to move the issue from the Senate to the House.

In this happy moment as summer begins, Democracy for Pittsburgh invites everyone!

Come to a lunchtime “flash event”—15 minutes of summer fun—and help us “put impeachment on the table.” Table will be provided.

Meet by 12:15 at Mellon Square (the corner by 6th and William Penn) downtown Pittsburgh, for this 15 minute event.

No speeches, just brief fun. Gonzales masks and signs welcome. Other “candidates for impeachment” welcome.

You can RSVP here or just show up!

UPDATE: Want a Gonzales mask to wear today's event? Right click on the picture below to save it to your PC. Then you can copy it into a Word file and stretch it there to fit. Then you simply need to print it up and cut it out and add string/ribbon to the holes indicated on both sides of the mask (above the ears).

UPDATE 2: You can see pictures of the event here.


  1. Perhaps it wasn't intended as such, but the uncut mask captures the spirit of Alberto Gonzales. He blankly stares at whomever he's talking to, and nothing comes out of his mouth!

  2. LOL!

    I was gratified to learn (via email) that someone had actually used my mask at the event.
