June 5, 2007

Fox News Update

Check this out. It's from Talkingpointsmemo.

Seems that to our friends at Fox "News", indicted Congressman William Jefferson (he's the Louisana Congressman with the alleged $90,000 allegedly found in his alleged freezer) and Congressman John Conyers look so much alike, they can't tell one from the other. Methinks they've spent too much time watching the Patty Duke Show:
Still, they're cousins,
Identical cousins and you'll find,
They laugh alike, they walk alike,
At times they even talk alike --

You can lose your mind,
When cousins are two of a kind.
Nice going, Fox. More evidence you've lost your collective mind.


  1. Thank's for posting that.

    O'Rielly is losing his mind on fox. That whole network is sleazier and more desperate with each passing day.

    I think Northeastern states should start protesting to have it removed from their cable packages.

    Spot On

  2. Alleged? You moron there was physical tangible proof!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Alleged? Jesus Christ you are so stupid.

    How about the "alleged" company who has Nancy Pelosi's son on the payroll, even though her son has no experience in the main activities of the business?? A company which has given the Clinton plenty of money I might add. Coincidence?

    Nothing to say Mr. Dayvoe?

  3. Master Lie, you took the name of the LORD in vain. If you keep this up, you will spend eternity tormented by everlasting fire while your flesh is consumed by hideous serpents.

    We had such high hopes for you.

  4. Shitrock, you sir, are a complete and utter dickhead.

    Instead of responding to what I said earlier, you just come back with meaningless bullshit...which by the way is what your brain is composed of.

    Would you care to try again, or do you want to continue to demonstrate that the only thing you have going for youself is David when he bends over and grabs his ankles for you at night?

  5. Of course I'm a blockhead! I'm responding to you, am I not? And have you not learned that it is impossible to insult me?

    I find it rather amusing that you, of all people, would complain that somebody failed to stick to the subject (YOUR subject, which was off-topic).

    Would you care to try again, or do you want to continue to demonstrate that the only thing you have going for youself is David when he bends over and grabs his ankles for you at night?

    The only demonstration you are making, Master Lie, is that your illness has bloomed once again. You are only going to exacerbate it if you keep hanging around with adults in what we think of as political discussion and what you think of as an opportunity to make bad gay jokes.
