June 13, 2007

Freeze-frames from the Tiger/Luke video

Bob Mayo has them over at his The Busman's Holiday blog.

He also has a link to a Post-Gazette online sportschat where Gerry Dulac tries to defend Mayor Luke Ravenstahl claiming that Luke was invited.

Of course Dulac either is forgetting or doesn't know that Luke CRASHED the event before he was "invited" to stay. Luke admitted on Fred Honsberger's radio show yesterday that he had called Oakmont asking for an invitation and they said that they would get back to him. But, Luke didn't wait to see if they would call back and invite him and instead just showed up.

C'mon, people, what were they supposed to do at that point?

Call 911?

Maybe they should have called Mayor Luke Ravenstahl's 311 line for advice. [Hello? 311 Line? Can you please advise me on how to get rid of someone who's crashing an event we're holding. Oh, by the way, the crasher is your boss.]

Lots of other interesting non Luke/Tiger posts at Mayo's blog too!

UPDATE: Mr. Mayo, try freezing 3:32 - 3:33 and 2:02 -2:05 (far right on screen) on YouTube's counter. I believe they show Luke also. Unfortunately when I use the pause function on YouTube, the picture is pretty blurred.


  1. LOL. That is like saying, pause the movie at 3:33 and look in the middle of the screen, see the paper clip on the table? Well, right next to it you can clearly see the piece of dandruff from Luke's head! Oh the humanity of it all!

  2. I love how Jon Delano's just keeping this story alive. He covered it again on KD TV tonight.

    Under normal circumstances this story would've petered out by today, but Luke shouldn't oughta have made the usually even-tempered Mr. Delano mad by making him out to be a liar.

    Attn. Ravenstahl: all those little old lady & men voters? Um, they watch & listen to KD. Bad move getting Delano riled, kid. You just used up one of your precious chances.

    How about picking on Lord & Boren next? Or maybe Mayo? Talk about PR savvy.

    Is Skrinjar loving the do-si-do at the Senior Ctr. yet? May not be too late to call him back.
