June 7, 2007

Melissa Hart Update

Former Congresswoman Melissa Hart was just on John McIntire's old show Night Talk.

When asked by current host Mike Pintek, "So what are you doing now?" She answered that she's just a lawyer. When asked about the possibility of running for County Executive (the office currently held by Dan Onorato) she laughed. She actually smiled and giggled a little.

Mike, obviously, was looking for something more.

She said she'd considered it - briefly. But she ended things by saying that she wasn't interested in running for that office.

The rest of the interview was the two of them excoriating Congressman William Jefferson for the $90 grand in his freezer. The Congressman from Louisiana will get no defense from me, by the way.

It WAS interesting, however, to hear Missy Hart praise a bill passed in the House today. From UPI:
A second resolution, proposed by Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., orders the ethics committee to investigate any member who is indicted or arrested on criminal charges, The Hill reported Wednesday. The resolution passed 387-10, with 15 "present" votes.
Why was this interesting to hear?

As we wrote here two years ago, Missy Hart voted for the rule change in the House that would have protected Republican Congressman Tom Delay when HE was indicted


  1. Missy spent her entire career carrying water for the GOP leadership and Bush, et al. Her time on the Ethics Committee is best remembered for its complete lack of action.

    Indeed, as you hint at, she was one of the chief stonewallers. And, I suppose, would be doing the same today concerning Tim Murphy if she hadn't been kicked to the curb in no uncertain terms by upstart populist Jason Altmire.

    Will anyone in Western PA ever forget the "deer caught in the headlights" look on her face that Election Night?

    I could be wrong, but I think Missy is damaged goods and won't be back...as much as I'm sure she'd like to take a shot at unseating Altmire.


  2. As we wrote here two years ago, Missy Hart voted for the rule change in the House that would have protected Republican Congressman Tom Delay when HE was indicted
    Maybe because the Justice department indicted William Jefferson and not some political hack who did this before.
    Investigation and indictment of Kay Bailey Hutchison
    Earle filed charges against Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, then Texas State Treasurer, for allegedly misusing state telephones and allegedly assaulting a staffer. Earle attempted to drop the charges on the first day in court — in fact, at the pre-trial hearing — after the judge in the case questioned the admissibility of his evidence. The judge refused to allow it, instructing the jury to return a "not guilty" verdict so the charge could not be brought against her again.
    BTW, when is Earle going to procecute Delay in court?

  3. Do people actually rise to your stale, off-topic bait, Mein Herr? In other blogs, I mean.

  4. Shitrock, speaking of other blogs, do you have one of your own? or do you sit here with your nose half way up David's ass all day long?

  5. Wrong again, Master Lie. I sit here with my nose ALL the way up David's ass all day long.

    Don't be jealous. It's not becoming on an adolescent.
