June 12, 2007

Photo of Mayor Luke with Tiger Woods!

With our apologies to Mr. Tiger Woods who would have preferred not to have his picture with Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl made public, we at 2pj deem the publication of this picture to be of vital news interest. And, so we present it exclusively to you our readers:

On a more serious note, does it occur to anyone that while Luke repeatedly ignored warnings by security guards, club officials and event planners and used his position as Mayor to get his picture taken with Tiger, we are supposed to believe that when he was handcuffed and taken aside by police for getting rowdy at a Steelers game that he didn't use his position as a City Councilman to avoid being arrested? That's what he claimed, but Lord knows it doesn't pass the smell test on its own let alone in light of his recent antics.

What a maroon!

Local blogs on The Mayor and the Tiger:

The Burgh Report: http://burghreport.blogspot.com/2007/06/classless-and-proud-of-it.html
The Ideas Bucket: http://agentska.blogspot.com/2007/06/we-3-you-jon.html
MacYapper: http://macyapper.blogspot.com/2007/06/opie-out-of-control-edition.html
Progress Pittsburgh: http://progresspittsburgh.net/?p=221
and 2 Political Junkies: http://2politicaljunkies.blogspot.com/2007/06/luke-ravenstahl-pittsburghs.html


  1. Wonder how "Sticky Fingers" Ravenstahl got his hands on that Am Ex t-shirt & where'd he pull the switcheroo, hastily taking off his work clothes & donning said t-shirt.

    If you're ever near Ravenstahl, keep an eye on your wallet.

    Give the kid a chance, indeed.

  2. Or ... Just imagine the look on Tiger's face when someone stalks him down on the course, wearing a stolen Amex shirt, claiming to be "The Mayor", and wanting an autograph and photo!!!!

    Would you believe this man was the mayor??!??

  3. There was a guy that served one four year term in the Maryland House of Delegates. He lost, at least in part, because he had court side seats to the then Washington Bullets games and was a notorious heckler. He got Larry Bird to say, "I'd never support that jerk for anything," when he was up for re-election. Since then, the Republican Party in that county went down the tubes and he's become their perennial nominee for County Executive. His name was Robin Ficker.

    Luke Ravenstahl is quickly turning into the new Robin Ficker.

  4. It's amazing (actually, it's downright childish) to watch the you people express concern with the most petty things, especially when those petty things have to deal with people you don't like.

    Luke could take a shit and clog the toilet, and Maria or David would be blogging about it like it were some sort of conspiracy to clog the sewer in his neighborhood.

    Cripes people, cannot you talk about something a little more important, or are your lives that fucking narrow that you all have nothing else to talk about?

  5. I happen to think that the conduct of the people who lead the city in which I live is highly relevant. I think this sheds a lot of light on the mayor's character and maturity. (Or lack thereof.)

  6. Anonymous,

    It isn't just David and I or the blogs talking about this. The Trib had a short version back in May and KDKA TV apparently thought that it was worthy to broadcast.

  7. Given the fact that Luke's admitted to accepting goods and services that the other people at the party paid $900 for kind of puts the kibosh on any notion that this is somehow "petty."

  8. There is some merit to the acting like a fool complaint. But my bigger issue is that, isn't he supposed to be doing something? Um, like running the city? The public priorities must be put ahead of EVERYTHING else.

    Crashing some event and acting like a fool is bad enough. Whether we like it or not, Mayors serve as ambassadors for cities. Having a clown in the Mayor's office projects a negative image, which hurts the city.

  9. Maria,

    just because KDKA decided to run the story doesn't make it news worthy. I see plenty of junk on that station along with all the other ones.

  10. "Anonymous,

    It isn't just David and I or the blogs talking about this. The Trib had a short version back in May and KDKA TV apparently thought that it was worthy to broadcast."

    Oh yeah, Maria? And you and David jumped on it faster than you and David can down a Big Mac. And judging by what I know of you two, you two could down a trayful of Big Macs in mere seconds.

    "There is some merit to the acting like a fool complaint. But my bigger issue is that, isn't he supposed to be doing something? Um, like running the city? The public priorities must be put ahead of EVERYTHING else."

    Uhmmm, sort of like Bill Clinton should of been running the country when he was getting a head bob from Monica right? Yeah, the public priorities were right up there on Clinton's list huh? Please. What Luke did pales in comparison to what Clinton did, and I don't ever remember seeing the liberal left as upset.

    You people demonstrate your sense of double standards more often than not lemme tell you.
