July 2, 2007

Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid

Did you know there's a lesbian crime wave sweeping the nation?

Neither did I!

Fox "News" has the story.

Funny. Especially the part about how the gangs call themselves "Pink Pistol Packing Groups." What, the word "posse" was unavailable?


  1. I can't view the video, but Eric Wiegand deconstructs this whole topic as yet another media spin on homophobia (including real news outlets like NBC) ...http://erinwiegand.com/unfittoprint/?p=149

    What's frustrating is that this is being used by the right wing to reinforce their message that homosexuals are out to force themselves on innocent children.

    What's funny about it is the double entendre of "packing groups" ... hee hee hee.

    FYI, there is a group called the Pink Pistols which organizes around a gay/pro-gun position. No actual pink pistols involved. http://www.pinkpistols.org

  2. What, the word "posse" was unavailable?

    Alliteration AND pun intended, I assume? That just works so well on so many levels.
