July 18, 2007

Generation Chickenhawk: A Must See!

Check out this clip at Huffingtonpost.com.

Here's how the film-maker, Max Blumenthal, describes it:

On July 13, 2007, I visited Section 60 of Arlington National Cemetery, where the bodies of American soldiers killed in Iraq were freshly interred. Afterwards, I headed across the street to the Sheraton National Hotel, owned by right-wing Korean cult leader Sun Myung-Moon, to meet some of the war's most fervent supporters at the College Republican National Convention.

In conversations with at least twenty College Republicans about the war in Iraq, I listened as they lip-synched discredited cant about "fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them over here." Many of the young GOP cadres I met described the so-called "war on terror" as nothing less than the cause of their time.

Yet when I asked these College Repulicans why they were not participating in this historical cause, they immediately went into contortions. Asthma. Bad knees from playing catcher in high school. "Medical reasons." "It's not for me." These were some of the excuses College Republicans offered for why they could not fight them "over there." Like the current Republican leaders who skipped out on Vietnam, the GOP's next generation would rather cheerlead from the sidelines for the war in Iraq while other, less privileged young men and women fight and die.

Along with videographer Thomas Shomaker, I captured a vivid portrait of the hypocritical mentality of the next generation of Republican leaders. See for yourself.

It's amazing how many opt to finish their degrees or otherwise just sit out dubya's war.

As a perc, make sure you see the t-shirted Republican kid who, while he was tempted, prayed to god in order to make sure that he's not gay. Lo and behold, he isn't!. Hallelujah!

Happens about 4 and a half minutes in.

Blumenthal ends the piece by saying that the day he was there talking with the gungho college kids who can't bring themselves to enlist, 3 more American servicemen died in Iraq


UPDATE: Here's the clip from Youtube.


  1. I love most liberals who use the chickenhawk slur themselves have never served in the Military.

    The Chickenhawk Fallacy

    I are sure Max Blumenthal and you guys served in the war that you supported in Kosovo.

  2. I saw the video last night. Hats off to Max for continuing to expose these privledged users and abusers of democracy.
    And as for you Heir...Those of us who have served or have family members serving take offense to your lies.
    Have you served in the military?
    Most republicans haven't served because they are hypocritical cowards. Wrap yourself in Jesus and the flag and then refuse to go into battle? Isn't that a sin?

  3. Look, I'm a little uneasy about using that term myself, even though I am in complete agreement with the authors of this blog when it comes to this war. I did not serve, and I don't believe it should be a precondition of supporting any particular military action.

    However, the president pits Iraq as part of the war on terror, which he describes as a twilight struggle between the forces of good and evil. Our very way of life is at stake, which is how he and his supporters have not only justified an unnecessary war in Iraq but also the shredding of the Geneva Conventions and other basic rights.

    Well, if these young people really believe the threat is that grave, then why aren't they signing up? Why doesn't the president encourage more people to join the military?

    I don't recall President Clinton ever describing Kosovo in such stark terms. I don't recall it being sold as anything other than a humanitarian intervention that was also being undertaken for the sake of peace and stability in eastern Europe.

    And quite frankly, it is a bit tiresome to have Kosovo trotted out every time someone criticizes Iraq. I mean, are there any similarities between the aftermath of those military actions? Did the U.S. start dropping bombs on the Serbs without the consent of the international community? Did President Clinton and his administration orchestrate a campaign of deception to lead us into that war? Did the president's cronies question the patriotism of those who opposed intervention in Kosovo?

    For once, it would be nice to have an honest conversation about this war.

  4. For once, it would be nice to have an honest conversation about this war.

    A simple syllogism:

    > It is impossible to hold an honest conversation with only one side talking.

    > The pro-war side of this argument is incapable of honesty.

    >> There will never be an honest conversation about the occupation of Iraq.

  5. Yah it is amusing to see those chicken hawk lefties talk about others not serving in the military.

  6. Yah it is amusing to see those chicken hawk lefties talk about others not serving in the military.

    Lefty hawks? Name one, Anon.

    See, the word "chickenhawk" has two parts:

    chicken: coward
    hawk: one who wants war

    Put 'em together and what have you got?

    chickenhawk: a coward who wants to send OTHERS to war. In other words, Dick Cheney. In other words, Rush Limbaugh. In other words, Bill O'Reilly. In other words, George W. Bush. In other words, Mein Heir. In other words...

  7. Anon #2 said...
    Have you served in the military?

    What does my serving in the military have to do with pointing out the hypocrisy of those telling Iraqi war supporters they can not express their opinion if they have not served in the military. But do not apply that same standard to the Kosovo/any war that they supported.
    chickenhawk: a coward who wants to send OTHERS to war... In other words, Mein Heir.
    In other words, Bill Clinton, FDR and Abraham Lincoln. Does this apply to anyone who want to send US troops to Darfur?

  8. As for Military service
    US Navy 85-91.
    Of course I could be lying like Micah Wright did.
    But I am not a anti-war nutjob claiming to have been a Army ranger or Navy Seal.

  9. Did the U.S. start dropping bombs on the Serbs without the consent of the international community?
    Clinton bypassed the UN and used NATO to start the Kosovo war.
    Did President Clinton and his administration orchestrate a campaign of deception to lead us into that war? Clinotn overstated the mass graves and ethic cleaning in Kosovo.
    Did the president's cronies question the patriotism of those who opposed intervention in Kosovo?
    Do you remember any anti-war protests during the Kosovo war?

  10. First, Mein Heir, I apologize for the accusation. I was wrong. I thank you for your service. You are a patriot.

    What does my serving in the military have to do with pointing out the hypocrisy of those telling Iraqi war supporters they can not express their opinion if they have not served in the military.

    I would agree that your military service has nothing "to do with pointing out the hypocrisy of those telling Iraqi war supporters they can not express their opinion if they have not served in the military." But nobody did that, so it's kinda dumb to complain about it, don't ya think?

    What we did was point out the hypocrisy of defending the policy that says this is the most important issue of our time without being willing to participate in that issue.

    See, it's not hard if you just use your mind.

  11. Last I checked, NATO was an international organization.

    No protests during Kosovo, but I recall that plenty of conservative Republicans were opposed to our intervention there.

  12. 'As for Military service
    US Navy 85-91.'

    Why didn't you re-enlist Heir? Plenty of former military members have stayed in longer than 6 years. But I guess that makes them heroes.
    You need to put your money where your mouth is Rethug.

  13. Why didn't you re-enlist Heir?
    As a veteran, I resent the implication that Mein Heir is any less heroic or patriotic because he left the military. He did his duty -- whenever he served, however long he served, wherever they sent him, and whatever they asked him to do. In fact, he probably served more than twice as long as I did.

    How about you, Anon? What was your highest rank?

    Mein Heir, I apologize for the currish behavior of some who claim to be liberals. They're not.

  14. Mr Schmuck you spend alot of time on the net posting comments. Maybe you should give your free time to Uncle Sam.
    Anyone who thinks this war is the real war on terror and that we should be 'saving' Iraq while Bin Laden is allowed to grow his army safely tucked away in Pakistan they should sign on the dotted line and go fight in Iraq.

  15. this was pretty interesting, and it tallies with pretty much everything I know about College Republicans (incidentally, where were the young women and minorities??) but I think Blumenthal's little 'performance' toward the end was smug and not a little asshole-ish.

  16. I still say it is amusing to see a lefty talk about military service. They support some of the biggest chickenhawks around, Clinton and Dean. Ah the left, suddenly they support the military. LOL

  17. Mr Schmuck you spend alot of time on the net posting comments.
    You have a problem with that?

    Maybe you should give your free time to Uncle Sam.
    Been there, done that. You?

    Anyone who thinks this war is the real war on terror and that we should be 'saving' Iraq while Bin Laden is allowed to grow his army safely tucked away in Pakistan they should sign on the dotted line and go fight in Iraq.
    Anyone who would address a comment like that to me is either delusional or can't read (or both).

    The following may be from a different Anonymous. It's hard to tell them apart, wearing the same silly costume.

    I still say it is amusing to see a lefty talk about military service.
    You "still say" a lot of stupid things. Somehow it is you who manage to be amusing yet intensely annoying at the same time. How do you do that?

    They support some of the biggest chickenhawks around, Clinton and Dean.
    Oh, for the sake of the Living God of Shit, come back when you grasp the concept of "chickenhawk," Chickenhawk. While you're at it, work on the concept of "liberal." Clinton is not one. He's just another draft-dodging, pussy-chasing shirker conservative like you. He is differentiated from you only in that he's smart, not quite as ludicrous in his conservatism, and good at getting pussy.

    Ah the left, suddenly they support the military.
    Nothing sudden, or even new, about that. Where ya been, Chickenhawk?

    LOL indeed, Chickenhawk.

  18. "Oh, for the sake of the Living God of Shit"

    Good one.

  19. Thanks, X. 'Tweren't nuttin'.
