July 4, 2007

Here we go, here we go, here we go again!

Major h/t to Progress Pittsburgh for picking up on an item in The Trib's Sunday Whispers column.

Recall how surprised some people were (well, I sure was) when Mayor Luke Ravenstahl "challenged his Republican opponent Mark DeSantis to at least two debates in the run-up to the November general election"? Surprising considering how he played and won "Beat the Clock" with any debates while Peduto was still in it.

The non surprising part was where Luke said of the debates: "one of which would rely on high school students to ask questions of the candidates" (Are You Smarter Than A High Schooler?).

Also not surprising was the P-G's report on the same story:
Mr. DeSantis has said that he hoped to see at least four debates and would welcome more. But Mr. Ravenstahl's letter hinted that he may not be amenable to the expansive schedule his challenger would prefer.
Well, now The Trib has another take on Luke's letter:
But judging from a letter Ravenstahl sent to DeSantis shortly after the GOP businessman kicked off his campaign last week, don't be surprised if the mayor attempts to welsh on every debate.

Although Ravenstahl agreed in principle to two debates, he wrote, "I have made a firm commitment to dedicate myself in total to my responsibilities as mayor. It is my first and foremost responsibility, and its scheduling requirements are enormous."

Some Grant Street observers believe those sentences lay the groundwork for Ravenstahl backing out of one or both of the debates to which he has committed.

There also has been some snickering about the mayor's newfound dedication to his office.
Here's a thought:

Can maybe the public see the whole letter so we can make our own judgment on what Lukey is saying?


  1. "don't be surprised if the mayor attempts to welsh on every debate"

    He & his staff are busy adding to the list of fake excuses, now if they could only get their stories straight. When asked why he wasn't at the Public Hearing on the police promotions, they told one reporter: "The Mayor is in other meetings."; they told another: "He's in Harrisburg."

    The truth? Turns out that he was at a charity golf event - infact he spent the better part of 2 days at this event - 2 work days.

    Amazing how his crazy-busy schedule opens up for golf. He could've said "I'll play for an hour, since this is such a good cause - but then I've got to rush back to the city, got lots of work to do".

    Did he or did he not tell members of the Women's Commission that he'd attend the next day's Public Hearing? Boren in the Trib quotes LR as saying he never intended to go to the hearing. Yeah, LR, we realize you had no intention of attending, but what we want to know is if you promised the Women's Commission that you would go & if so, why? Just to shut them up?

    Also, while it's not typical for mayors to attend council's public hearings, it's not without precedent either. Had the women at the hearing been Sienna Miller & Sarah Jessica Parker, LR would've shown up & invited them to a game of golf & maybe drinks at a club later on, not that the mayor has time to get familiar with the Pittsburgh club scene...

    Who's Luke going to blame for this? Batten down the hatches you folks in City Hall.

    And Mr. DeSantis, start your engines.

  2. For the record, it was reported that the letter to DeSantis from Ravenstahl about debates was before DeSantis even had his very late kick-off.


    I'm worried, and told this to DeSantis in person, and again to 1 of the 2PJs, in person, that when the community meetings start again in Aug, Sept., Oct. -- DeSantis will run into an opponent named Dan Onorato. Ravenstahl will duck DeSantis, but Onorato will provide bench strength.

    Watch and see.

    DeSantis doesn't think so. But, as soon as DeSantis gets some good points and is scoring well -- Onorato will surface.

  3. Maybe DeSantis can get that cutout of Luke that Bill P never got to use...Danny O could stand behind it and answers all the questions

  4. Come off it, Maria! You know damn well the mayor might not have time for these frivolous debates. For example, he might have to hop an airplane ride to New York in some billionaire's jet; or take a day off to sneak into a country club to be near some celebrity; or play a round of golf with Mario Lemieux to raise money for some charity. And if he is too busy to debate, you won't hear the real reason right away because, frankly, it's none of your business. You obviously have no understanding about the royal privileges that accompany inheriting a title.

  5. Judge -

    You forgot that LR's scouring this great nation of ours to fill the numerous positions now open at City Hall.

    Oh, wait a minute, he hired his trainer and a pal from high school... scratch that last bit about the scouring the nation.

    The poor man's head is so full of important mayorly stuff, (stuff we plebes could never even begin to comprehend), that he can barely remember where the City County Bldg. IS, let alone get there. But he sure can find him some golf courses, huh?
