July 14, 2007

Melissa Hart: Already Misleading the Public

She hasn't even made it official and Missy Hart's already misleading the people she wants to represent.

An astute reader of this blog reminded me of this point.

Take a look at this criticism from Ms Hart. She's quoted in the P-G as saying:
I've watched the Congress in action over the last six months and they haven't gotten a thing done and the issues that need to be addressed haven't been addressed.
But wait. Wasn't she a member of the last Congress? Wasn't that Congress controlled by the Republicans? And isn't she a member of that party?

For the intellectually challenged, the answer to each of those questions is a hearty, "Yes."

Now for the kicker (and you KNEW there was a kicker coming, didn't you?). Wasn't the 2006 Congress known as the "do-nothing" Congress?

You can answer "yes" to that question as well.

Take a look at this. It's from May, 2006 (Melissa Hart was still in the Congress then - though I'm not sure if she was taking drumming lessons at that point yet):
Members of Congress know the Washington-area airports very well. Most members use them twice a week, arriving for work late Tuesday and scurrying back to their home states on Thursday. Congress is on schedule to meet fewer days this year than any Congress since 1948 -- the year President Truman campaigned against what he called the "do-nothing Congress." [emphasis added]
Then there's this commentary from Lou Dobbs at CNN in early August, 2006:
This Republican-led, do-nothing Congress is on its way home for a five-week vacation. I'm sure while there, they'll be glad to explain to their constituents why they need so much rest in a year in which they will work fewer than 80 days. [emphasis added]
They worked fewer than 80 days in the first 7 months of 2006? The total, according to this site, doesn't look any better. The House met only 101 days during the second session of the 109th Congress (2006)

Did Missy Hart speak up then?


  1. Uh this congress has an approval of 14%. No matter which poll you choose, this congress has approval numbers lower than Bushus Maximus, conquerer of Afghanistan and Iraq, scourge of liberals.
    And Altmire is part of the problem. Only thing this congress can do is pander to the lefties and launch investigations into an administration that won two legitimate elections.

  2. "But wait. Wasn't she a member of the last Congress? Wasn't that Congress controlled by the Republicans? And isn't she a member of that party?"

    If course, David DeAngelo and his minions will demonstrate their ability to utilize the double standard when they sit fit. How? Let's bring up the past. Now, if good ole' "Master Lie" brings up the past, then the comments to his bringing up the past are "Bringing up the past such as Clinton must be in the right winger's kool-aid play book" or something like that. Or perhaps "Anonymous" can make a comment which pretty much is nothing more than a personal attack toward me, which by the way, I've observed that she cannot say anything unless it brings up my "fake wife" or family. Real nice, Anonymous. You're so classy.

    But...if David DeAngelo and his minions bring up the past, it's all okay to do so. Why? You're Democrats, and when you're Democrats, it's just different.

    The next time you all get on my case for bringing up the past (ahem! Maria), I don't want to hear it. David DeAngelo just set the example that it is okay to do so.

    And there you have it, clear as crystal as to why I always say, "When you're a Democrat, it's just different" all of the time.

    Moving on:

    David, so what you're admitting to is that you cannot handle the truth that your beloved Democrats aren't setting out to do the job that you voted them in office to do? By the way, Where's Bob Casey been? Has he even bothered showing up to work? No one's even heard anything from the man. It's like he dropped off the face of the planet. That's some senator you have there.

    And you're complaining about what Melissa Hart says, which by the way is nothing more than the truth?

    Forgive me if I call you a *hypocrite*.

  3. Count me impressed.

    D-Lie used more than 300 words and said absolutely nothing.

    He's a conservative, for sure!

  4. Ok Brado. You finally get it. We all are out to get you.
    The people at CMU are plotting against you. They have lunch without you to plan ways to ensure that you become even more of an outcast at work.
    Your neighbors in Houston PA have such a good time at the parties you are never invited to because they are plotting ways to 'get you'.
    And all of Dave's 'minions' who comment on 2PJ have been waiting for your resurgence as D-L so that we can make sure that the rest of the greater Pittsburgh area won't be your friend either.
    I personally am glad that have your *wife* because she's probably the only thing that keeps Western Pennsylvania safe from your sociopathic rage.

  5. Actually, the Congressional approval is a bit misleading.

    Dems inherited a Congress from the Republicans that was more or less reduced to waxing the President's balls on every issue.

    The facts are that Democrats still rate considerably higher as a party than Republicans and the majority of Americans still want Democrats in control of Congress.

    According to the latest USA Today/Gallup poll(found here http://pollingreport.com/institut2.htm#Democrats) the favorability ratings are each party are polar opposites. The Democrats are standing pretty strong with +50% approval, while the GOP is sinking fast at 56% disapproval.

    And most Americans understand that President Bush and the Republicans are the reason nothing can get accomplished. It seems that dreaded filibuster the GOP decried so much is now one of their favorite tools. And Bush will veto everything the Democrats send to is desk.

    As for Bob Casey, if you watched the video for the Hindu prayer, he had the gavel...so, you clearly pay as much attention to the things you comment about as you did to studying US history in high school.

    And what's up with the poster regerring to Bush as the conqueror of Afghanistan and Iraq? What sad little world does that person live in?

    Yes, Congress has a lower approval number, but Democrats are still favored on nearly all issues(the GOP only maintains a slight advantage on terrorism) and people still want them to control Congress, whereas most Americans cannot wait for George Bush's term to end.

    And those Congress investigations - that's called Congressional oversight. It's the Constitutional responsibility of the Congress. It's their job.

    See, these clowns probably think the President is the most powerful branch of government. If any argument is to be made about which branch has more power, it's clearly Congress. There's a reason they don't address the President's powers until Article II. The idea of a unitary executive is anathema to every principle of democracy.

    But Republicans obviously want an imperial president and they clearly can only function when they operate as acolytes for a cult of leadership. Hearing someone refer to Bush as a "conqueror" is like listening to the empty platitudes North Koreans are forced to say about Kim John Il. Then again, we are talking about the American Taliban - people who would like to do nothing more than impose their will on their fellow citizens.

  6. I have rarely seen a candidate as "ungracious" as Melissa Hart was on Election Night. By comparison, Rick Santorum's concesson speech was a model of probity and charm.

    Hart showed her true colors that night, when she was caught in the headlights of her own hubris.

    It's easy to be warm and fuzzy when you are the sitting Congresswoman and you're handing out pork, or when you're in full makeup in front of the TV commercial cameras, pontificating about being a coal miners granddaugher, it's quite another thing to show grace under pressure. She showed none.

    To some of you this might not seem like much, but to me, it showed the "real Missy," the hard-line GOP sycophant who hitched her start to Tom DeLay and Rick Santorum, thinking she was on fast track to stardom and riches. I think it showed her constituents something they'd perhaps already sensed, but never seen in such stark terms before.

    I don't think they want to go back and revisit that..

    Piltdown Man

  7. To any who missed it, there is a link in this post to a page that contains the audio of Missy's consession speech.

  8. "Ok Brado. You finally get it. We all are out to get you.
    The people at CMU are plotting against you. They have lunch without you to plan ways to ensure that you become even more of an outcast at work.
    Your neighbors in Houston PA have such a good time at the parties you are never invited to because they are plotting ways to 'get you'.
    And all of Dave's 'minions' who comment on 2PJ have been waiting for your resurgence as D-L so that we can make sure that the rest of the greater Pittsburgh area won't be your friend either.
    I personally am glad that have your *wife* because she's probably the only thing that keeps Western Pennsylvania safe from your sociopathic rage"

    Pardon me while I laugh in your face. But you accuse me of "sociopathic rage" all the while you pretty much show traits of someone who is shadowing someone else online, given you take pride of announcing that you know so much about me. Am I supposed to be somehow scared of you? I'll tell you what, bring it on. In fact, come on down, I'll give you a reason to classify me as a "sociopath."

    You're just another liberal hypocrite kook as far as I am concerned, and you don't scare me.

    You get all hell bent out of shape when someone personally attacks you and yet, you show signs of a liberal online stalker. Damn, if you're not a hypocrite.

    Since you know so much about me, let's set up a meeting, c'mon down, and let's talk. Otherwise, stfu and go back to the rock you're hiding under.


  9. Oh my! I apoligize for that last tirade. I need to take my meds before I comment.
    Please forgive me for being so too *ball-sy* with my emotions.

  10. As you alluded to and posted the audio in your last post, her concession speech was an abomination - not worthy of someone losing the treasurer's post in the yearbook club. She was rude, a pathetic sore loser and not the type of person who should represent us in Congress. Someone get the youtube of that and post it up. Oh, and as you said, if her speech didn't bother you, maybe that whole ethics/Delay problem might.

  11. In fact, come on down, I'll give you a reason to classify me as a "sociopath."

    Hmmm, that last posting from Master Lie sounded suspiciously like a threat, did it not? Actionable? Possibly criminal?

    His mom warned him about ruining his health if he kept blathering in blogs. Perhaps she should have warned him further about steel bracelets and what goes on in the Big House. She might have had quite a bit of experience in such matters.

  12. Wait, I have minions?


    Can I get a ride home from work sometime?

  13. Melissa Hart will represent the 4th Congressional District. Unlike Jason Altmire who has all his ads paid for by Washington lobbyists. Its time for Western Pennsylvania citizens to start thinking for themselves instead of basing their opinions off of the media.

  14. Give me a break. Melissa Hart was bought and paid for by Washington. She's upset now because she has to go out and actually get a job that requires results. If anyone thinks she is a good candidate, they are sadly mistaken. She lost to Altmire when she outspent him, handed out pork, and was plaster all over tv. She has no chance now.

    I found her press interview absurd. When she claims that as a challenger she has no baggage. GIve me a break.

    I think she really needs to be committed for her apparent lunacy. If you are reading this Melissa, no one. NO ONE. Wants you back.

    Did you not get the message when we tossed your lackluster do-nothing but to the curb. Republicans find someone better.
