August 23, 2007

Bush Gets It Right!

Compares Iraq to Vietnam:

Countdown's take on that here:


  1. And best of all, Sen. Kerry endorsed the idea of Communist style re-education camps.

  2. Re-education camps? You mean like the one in Guantanamo Bay? Never mind. Couldn't be. People sometimes get out of re-education camps.

  3. Bush actually got it spectacularly wrong. He's trying to eliminate the Vietnam comparison in people's minds, but he merely exposed himself to be a total moron.

  4. Yes, re-education camps like Gitmo. Sen. Kerry thinks those were a good thing when used in Vietnam. Of course that was after we left. Hey you lefties got any pictures of N. Vietnamese autrocities?

  5. I suppose you have some evidence supporting your allegations about Kerry? I have no idea to what you're referring. Probably, neither do you.

  6. LOL LOL LOL Yah I have evidence of what Sen. Kerry said. This is so funny. He said it on C-Span's morning show about ten days ago and it has been repeated on every cable talk show since. LOL Do I have evidence! Do any of you lefties have pictures of N. Vietnamese autrocities? The ones that occurred after the Democrats cut off funds. And by the way, since C. Crawford never served in the military, by the definition of the left, he has no right to comment on Vietnam. The lefties made that rule. LOL LOL

  7. Link, please, Laughing Anonymous Wingnut.

  8. Yo Homer, go to C-Span and do the research yourself. I don't work for you. It came on a call by someone named Wendy. Just because you choose to hide your head in the sand doesn't mean he didn't say it. And by the way Homer, he also said there was no bloodbath in Vietnam after we pulled out. LOL LOL this denial is just so funny.

  9. As I thought. A wingnut laughing into the void, as a hungry dog howls at the moon.

    And thank you for the sobriquet. Homer was one of the great poets in all of civilization. He, too, wrote of thousands dying to soothe the pride of a deranged warlord.

  10. Missed again Homer Simpson. Did you finally look up the statement Sen. Kerry gave on C-Span or do you just prefer to live in denial?

  11. You seem to have a problem with the word "denial," Anonymous Laughing Wingnut. You may wish to look it up online while you are frantically searching for some fragment of right-wing distortion that you might twist into defense of your ridiculous statement.

    Be aware that, in general, it is not my practice to attempt to make sense of everything an ALW lies about. I'm waaaaaay too busy writing epic poetry about "the topless towers of Iliam" and shit like that.

    You claimed that "Kerry endorsed the idea of Communist style re-education camps," but you can't back it up, can you? Now who's in denial?

    You also got my last name wrong.

  12. You should have heard what a caller to C-SPAN said about Anonymous' mother! It was brutal -- but it *must* be true.

    Seriously dude, people say all kinds of stupid stuff when they call in. Like there was no plane that went into the Pentagon, or the Twin Towers were a controlled explosion, or vote for Ron Paul...all kinds of crazy shit.

    Apparently you'll swallow anything.
