August 6, 2007

Is Mitt Romney For Real?

From Talkingpointsmemo.


Cong. Ron Paul: At the same time those individuals who had predicted these disastrous things to happen if we leave Iraq are the same ones who said as soon as we go in it'll just be ducksoup, it'll be over in three months. It won't cost us anything because the oil will pay for it.

Gov. Mitt Romney: Has he forgotten about 9/11?

RP: At the same time the individuals who predicted the disastrous course, the domino theory in Vietnam, I was called to duty. I accepted that duty in the sixties. I served five years in the military. When we left there it was tough, yes. But now we trade with Vietnam. We talk to 'em. The President's come to this country. We go back and forth. We invest in this country. We can achieve much more in peace than we can ever achieve in these needless unconstitutional undeclared wars.

I can't say I'm a follower of Paul's but this is right on the money. And please please PLEASE notice what Mitt Romney's knee-jerk reaction to criticism of the war in Iraq:
Has he forgotten about 9/11?

Is that their defense of dubya's otherwise indefensible war? 9/11? For the umpteenth time - what did Iraq have to do with 9/11?

How much more ridiculous could that argument be? Uh, not much (coincidentally, I saw this last night):

Back to the non-cartoon ridiculousness.

If that's the best the guy who's leading the lackluster pack (albeit with "soft and shallow" support) in Iowa can do, then things look mighty scary for God's Own Party.


  1. Saw the same cartoon bit last night, Dave. Funny, sad -- and true.

    Also loved Andy Rooney's segment on "60 Minutes" talking about how history shows the presidential candidate who raises the most amount of money is usually the winner. It's estimated that it's going to take $400 million to run a campaign in 2008 -- and Rooney wonders (as do I):

    Why does *anyone* want to be president that bad?

    Bringing it home here, it's pretty clear what's driving Missy Hart to rerun against Altmire. Cushy job and security for life.

    ... She's out of the starting gate, ladies and gentlemen ... it's Hoof Harted neck-and-neck with Altruistic Mire!

  2. Oh, and I forgot:


  3. Have you forgotten about 9/11?

    No. What's that have to do with Iraq?

  4. that's a really good answer!

    i'm using that on the next neocon that says it to me.

  5. Ron Paul is cool with me.

  6. No, Mitt Romney is not for real.

    In fact, he's 35% plastic, 15% hair gel and 50% bullshit.

    Andrew Sullivan had the best line on Romney - "He makes plastic look real."

    Romney is creepy; Stepford creepy.

  7. In fact, he's 35% plastic, 15% hair gel and 50% bullshit.
    Do you mind if I use that? I'll pay a royalty and everything.

  8. I was a fan of Romney's when he was governor of Massachusetts, he was much more moderate back then. But this ass kissing to the right wing is going to ruin his chances in this race. Way to go Romney - you're moving further and further right and also from the public sentiment on the Iraq war issue.
