September 29, 2007

Banned Books Reading - THIS MONDAY

Ladies and Gentlemen;

Maria already posted about this, but I have to make a slight addition to the news. I'm now HOSTING the program. I'll be the guy introducing each reader and reading the bios to the audience.

And that also means that I'll be the one reading last. So to hear my reading you'll have to sit through the whole thing.

See you there!


  1. John K. says: Is Rush Limbaugh's "The Way Things Ought to Be" and "See, I told You So" on that list? Most liberals considered those banned books.

  2. When were The Addict's books ever banned?

    Or to be more accurate, when were the books ghost written by John Fund ever banned?

    As far as I can tell, The Addict's books were never banned. But now that he's called American Troops who disagree with him "phony soldiers" why would you, John K, want to read them?

  3. John K. says: I love Rush's books and his show. I told him so the last time I took a wide bathroom stance with him. He's the best at everything!

  4. John K. says: You liberals have been trying to ban LImbaugh since 1992. Over the summer you tried to introduce the fairness doctrine. LOL LOL It is just so funny that a group, the ACLU, that makes a point of banning books, is reading banned books. Are you going to read the bible? LOL

  5. John K.says: I read the bible with my friend Mark Foley and the youth group we take on weekend trips. Ah, good times: the word of God and Jesus juice. Republican heaven!

  6. John K. says: Hey, that other 'John K.' fellow seems to be a bigot. Why do you lefties let him post? Anyway, you lefties never figure it out. In school, you can thank a teacher for your success, or a counselor or your parents or even the drug dealer on the corner. And not get into a bit of trouble with the ACLU. You can even thank the ACLU for your success. But can't stand behind a podium in school and thank God. Isn't that odd that the ACLU has tried to transplant themselves as gods? And yet they are reading banned books. Curious what you lefties will tolerate. You tolerate a bigot who uses my name.

  7. It's called "free speech". And with it everyone gets to say what they want.

    you should try it some time.

    It's only when the speech is coercive that there's an issue.

  8. John K. says: You tolerate other people using my name. Yes, my name is Anonymous. I am everyone and no one all at the same time. I decide what is good and what is bad. Bow down before me you worthless lefties.
    Dearly not queerly,
    John K. Anonymous

  9. John K. says: Since when has the ACLU recognized free speech? They will determine what free speech and if you don't like it, they will take your property to prove the point. ACLU and free speech LOL LOL LOL

  10. John K. says:No one takes property except me. I decide what is free speech, not the ACLU. Fear me you lowly lefties. I am the great and powerful Oz...LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL

  11. John K.says: I read the bible with my friend Mark Foley and the youth group we take on weekend trips. Ah, good times: the word of God and Jesus juice. Republican heaven!

    I guess some commie pinko liberal hippie must have inserted those lines about "blessed are the peace makers", turning the other cheek, and all that socialist stuff about helping the poor.
