September 21, 2007

Olbermann's Commentary

MSNBC has the transcript.

Some highlights. Olbermann had just played an ad from the 2006 election cycle, one that said, in essence, vote Republican or the terrorists will kill you. This follows:

Terrorizing your own people in hopes of getting them to vote for your own party has never brought as much as a public comment from you?

The Republican Hamstringing of Captain Max Cleland and lying about Lieutenant John Kerry met with your approval?

But a shot at General Petraeus, about whom you conveniently ignore it, was you who reduced him from four-star hero to a political hack, merits this pissy juvenile blast at the Democrats on national television?

Your hypocrisy is so vast that if we could somehow use it to fill the ranks in Iraq you could realize your dream and keep us fighting there until the year 3000.

The line between the military and the civilian government is not to be crossed.

Go watch it. Keith's recent emergency surgery certainly hasn't dulled his outrage.


  1. i saw it and i was happy to see he hasn't lost a beat.

    fear frear fear and celebrity crap. that's what the right is force feeding.

    i would hope we can be at least half as brave as our troops and realize that yes, terror is now a fact in our lives as it has been in other nations for years and years via differing groups, and just deal with it and move on, not letting the very things that make us americans be taken away, given away because of fear.

  2. John K. says: Olbermouth missed it entirely. Sen. Cleveland as well as Sen Kerry were Senators when they were criticized. They had taken off the uniform. If you are entering the political process you can expect to be criticized. Look at how the left has denigrated the military service of Pres. Bush.
    There are many people on this blog who denigrate the service of those still in uniform. So to applaud Olbermouth sounds hypocritical. Gen. Petreaus was in uniform, not a sitting Senator. Besides, I recall Olbermouth last week ripping into Gen Petreaus.
    So the left wing kooks in here are a wonder to behold. A look in the mirror would help. Lastly, I do not recall Olbermouth having any military service at all. Which makes me ask, by his own definition, how can he criticize anyone in the military. Never mind the polarity, just keep reading the daily kos.

  3. At least you pretend to be rational this time, John, and that disappoints me.

    But your argument is, well, absurd. Are you saying it's OK to criticize someone's performance after he/she retires, but while he's in the job he's untouchable? Especially someone who claims to be protecting us from terrorists? I hope you're not planning on a career in HR.

    And is the Ultimate Chickenhawk really complaining about someone not serving? That's just grotesque.

  4. since when has it become unpatriotic or unamerican to point out what we don't like about ANYONE in the government OR the military.

    if i remember my civics classes. we are the ones THEY work for.

    THEY take an oath to defend the constitution. the constitution is us.
    bush SENT him up there.
    that's not right in the first place. do you understand that the general had to say whatever he was told to say.bush is the general's comander in chief. but keep in mind, bush is not OUR commander in chief. he serves the people(or at least, he is supposed to)just as every person in the congress is supposed to serve the people, not themselves, not 1 politiucal party or another, us.

    now, explain please, how what i said/wrote is unamerican
    or contrary to even a basic course in civics.

    now, perhaps he believes what he said, but the point is he had no choice. not really.

  5. First, John K., it's Senator "Cleland." The man lost limbs fighting for his country.

    Second, since when can't the military be criticized? You do realize we have civilian control of the military in this country? This isn't some banana republic where the military is infallible.

    Third, what military record of the President are you referring to? The man's a chickenhawk - it's ok for others to fight wars, just not him. Or Cheney or a number of other people behind this stupid war.

    Do you actually know anything about our country John or do you just believe in the bizarro America the right has spent the last 30 to 40 years manufacturing, the one where civil liberties are easily tossed aside, where reason is subservient to ideological fanatiscism, where greed trumps everything else, where corporations are more important than individuals?

    John, it's time to recognize that you and the party you support are fascists, not Americans.

  6. John K. says: Now what is often missed in the short term memory loss of Olbermouth, and the left wing crowd, is that the DNC called GHW Bush (Bush41) a coward. Yep, called him a coward for bailing out of his dive bomber after he got shot down. Did that during the 1992 election campaign.
    They also said the service of wounded Republican Sen. Bob Dole did not matter in 1996. And when he fell off the podium ridiculed his withered arm. An arm that got shot by a German in April 1945 in Italy.
    Now how can we forget Madelaine Albright referring to the people who went to Vietnam as not the best and brightest.
    So Olbermouth goes on a rant. And the Daily Kos yells "he hasn't lost a beat." I would agree with that considering his memory was never that good to begin with.
    But the left slandered Gen.Petreaus while he was in uniform. Doing what every sitting Senator asked him to do. And they had a vote in the Senate which made Olbermouth and his crowd look bad. And among the left, that will not be tolerated regardless of any of their previous statements. Good thing MSNBC has OJ back. LOL LOL LOL

  7. "Now what is often missed in the short term memory loss of Olbermouth, and the left wing crowd, is that the DNC called GHW Bush (Bush41) a coward. Yep, called him a coward for bailing out of his dive bomber after he got shot down. Did that during the 1992 election campaign.
    They also said the service of wounded Republican Sen. Bob Dole did not matter in 1996. And when he fell off the podium ridiculed his withered arm. An arm that got shot by a German in April 1945 in Italy"

    please find those quotes. i'm very interested.

  8. Olberman nailed it dead on.

  9. Mr Anon you are saying that we should not criticize anyone in a uniform. How absurd is that?

    If someone is clearly not doing his job while in uniform should be be an untouchable?

    Where do you draw a line? When can you criticize someone in a uniform? Or is it not allowed?

  10. John K. says: Remember Olbermann has no military service at all. And his line has always been that if you are a right winger and have no military service, you can't criticize any lefty who might have some.

  11. John K:

    And his line has always been that if you are a right winger and have no military service, you can't criticize any lefty who might have some.

    Source? Any source at all?

    No? Then you're just lying now, aren't you, John?

  12. John K. says: Yes, I am a lying coward who has never served in the military. I should enlist right now, but I won't because I'm a hypocritcal lying weasel republican who wants to make money using the blood of our all volunteer military.
    See, sometimes even us 'righties' tell the truth!
