September 11, 2007

Pintek, Petraeus, and

This is the followup for this posting from last night. It's a little complicated. Bear with me, I'll get it all in. Mike Pintek, political conservative, spoke with in-house WPXI/PCNC political analyst Bill Green (another political conservative - a great idea if you want just one position discussed) about an ad that placed in the New York Times. The ad was about General Petreaus and what he might or might not say to Congress yesterday.

Pintek could have been discussing the testimony, but he chose instead to focus on an ad.

Ok. Let's start with the ad that Pintek found so offensive. Here's the text:

Cooking the books for the White House

General Petraeus is a military man constantly at war with the facts. In 2004, just before the election, he said there was "tangible progress" in Iraq and that "Iraqi leaders are stepping forward." And last week Petraeus, the architect of the escalation of the troops in Iraq, said "We say we have achieved progress and we are obviously going to do everything we can to build on that progress."

Every independent report on the ground situation in Iraq shows that the surge strategy has failed. Yet the General claims a reduction in violence. That's because, according to the New York Times, the Pentagon has adopted a bizarre formula for keeping tabs on violence. For example, deaths by car bombs don't count. The Washington Post reported that assassinations only count if you're shot in the back of the head - not the front. According to the Associated Press, there have been more civilian deaths and more American soldier deaths in the last three months than in any other summer we've been there. We'll hear of neighborhoods where violence is decreased. But we won't hear that those neighborhoods have been ethnically cleansed.

Most importantly, General Petreaus won't admit what everyone knows: Iraq is mired in an unwinnable religious civil war. We may hear of a plan to withdraw a few thousand American troops. But we won't hear what Americans are desparate to hear: a timetable for withdrawing all our troops. General Petreaus has actually said that American troops will need to stay in Iraq for as long as ten years.

Today, before Congress and before the American people, General Petreaus is likely to become General Betray Us.

Ok, so they got a bit snarky at the end and if you head over to their webpage, you'll see all the actual confirming evidence supporting their position. Not that it would have mattered to Pintek. The ad was enough to send him off the rails completely. He spun like a music-box ballerina throughout the segment. And I'm surprised that all that spinning didn't create a wind strong enough to push Bill Green out of his chair.

He declared, with no evidence, that was speaking for the Democratic party. He said that it's a:
very left wing organization, ostensibly representing the Democratic party. I think that's the impression they wanted to leave.
I am so glad Mike went with "Democratic party" instead of the infantile "Democrat party." Good for him.

But look, he "thinks" that's the impression moveon wanted to leave. But for the rest of the segment, moveon was speaking for all Democrats - well to Mike, at least. It's his way to pin an ad by an organization of 3.3 million people onto a major political party of 72 million people.

The spinning continued. He dragged Congressman Altmire's office into the act, too. Mike had Altmire on Night Talk sometime ago. The Congressman had just returned from Iraq and had met General Petreaus. Pintek said Almire was "very impressed" with the General and that while the situation there "wasn't perfect" there had been "progress in Iraq."

He wanted to get the Congressman's reaction to the ad. So he called the office and got a call back from the Congressman's spokeswoman. Here's what he said then:
This is to be attributed to her, but it comes from Congressman Altmire's office. This is in essense what it says. He says has crossed the line of appropriate political discourse with this ad. It's offensive and misleading and does not help those who are trying to come to a timely resolution to the situation in Iraq.[emphasis added]
He said a few seconds later that Congressman Altmire was the "only democrat that I've heard today to condemn the ad."

Note the spin. The thing from the phone conversation was attributed to the Congressman's spokeswoman but Mike does his best to pin it (again with no evidence) on the Congressman himself.

Par for the course, I guess.

By the way, here's the statement from the Congressman about General Petreaus testimony:
After my meeting with Gen. Petraeus in Baghdad two weeks ago, I was confident that he would recommend a drawdown of U.S. troops in Iraq. In his statement today, Gen. Petraeus did mention the possibility of a small drawdown; however, I am disappointed that the majority of such a drawdown would not begin for several months and that, one year from now, we will remain at pre-surge levels with no end in sight. A policy that maintains our military presence in Iraq at pre-surge levels—basically a stay the course policy—is in stark contrast to nearly every other recent report on Iraq, including last week's independent reports issued by the GAO and Gen. Jones.
I can see why Mike Pintek wouldn't want to discuss that.


  1. David -

    Couple of things.

    I'm a huge fan of Jason's but if someone in his office says ANYTHING, it should be taken as, essentially, a proxy statement by the Congressman. If the staffer doesn't know what Jason's position is, or is unclear on it, they should simply refuse to make a statement. So I can't take issue with Pintek using the spokesperson's words as if they came directly from Jason.

    I also can't take too much issue with the idea that MoveOn wants most people to see it as representing the Democratic Party. They are happy if people make that jump, because it immediately gives them more weight and power. They do little to offset what is a false impression.

    And was the ad untoward? I'd say yes. From a marketing standpoint it probably did little to change anyone's ideas about Iraq and The Surge and all the rest. But it did manage to give the GOP and the Right Wing Radio Nutballs a gigantic club to hammer the Left with. The whole "betray us" bit plays into the (mostly false, IMHO) concept that The Left doesn't like or respect the military. A personal attack was not what they needed; they needed to attack the facts ONLY and leave the personalities out of it.


  2. John K. says: Yah, except only donates money to the Democrats. I mean why would we even think was supporting the Democrat position, except for the anyonymous Senator who proclaimed they would allow their proxies to attack Gen. Petreaus. Then of course you gloss over the Gen. Betrayus comment. And to think that was in bold print. How did you miss that? It's like I said, you lefties hate the military and Bush. And now you hide behind and then claim it doesn't represent the Democrat position. LOL This is too easy. By the way, in the court of public opinion you lost big on this one.

  3. John K. says: Oh, by the way, we are going to use it as a hammer to beat you over the head with until Nov 2008. You at least got that one right.

  4. Feel free to beat up on MoveOn all you want. I think MoveOn has already announced that they're not running in 2008.

    We'll be cheering you on while you're doing the beating, because quite a large majority of the electorate is also opposed to both the Administration and the Mess in Mesopotamia. So, you'll be advertising for the Dems, and they need all the help they can get.

    Of course we lefties do hate the military. That's why we want them to come home safe. And you Chickenhawks love the military. That's why you want to see as many as possible of them blown up and killed.

    Thanks for serving up those hanging sliders!

  5. Tell me who hates the military, anon?

    Is it the Republicans who watched as soldiers with PTSD and debilitating injuries were repeatedly sent back to war?

    Was it the Republicans who, under their watch, let Walter Reed disintegrate to the point where wounded soldiers had to try to recuperate in rat-infested surroundings?

    Was it the Republican civilian leaders in the Pentagon and in Congress who failed to get up-armored humvees to troops getting blown apart by road-side bombs?

    Was it the Republicans in the Pentagon and Congress who watched idly as contracts for body armor went to a company with an inferior product because former DoD officials were in senior leadership at that company?

    Is it the Republicans in the Pentagon and Congress who kept their mouths shut as thousands upon thousands of soldiers returned from service only to find they'd lost their jobs, which is against the law, and didn't do a god-damned thing about it?

    Is it the Republicans who keep kicking the can down the road another Friedman unit while more and more soldiers, many of them sent without the proper training and equipment, die in the middle of a civil war?

    Why don't you take your buddy Shooter Cheney's advice and go f@#$ yourself, because you don't care one lick about the troops.

    All you and your ilk care about is finding some desperate way to save face and never have to admit that you were wrong about the Iraq war, that you were gullible, tow-the-party-line lemmings who drank in every ounce of the WMD lies without a second thought.

    The blood is all over your hands and you can't stand it, so you lose your sad little minds over a dumb-ass, but factually accurate, ad because when it comes to debating things on the merits, you lose every time.

    Pilt was right. MoveOn went over the top and has given the GOP the tool they use best: distraction. That's unfortunate, but it will pass, to be replaced by the next GOP corruption or prostitution scandal. Those are a dime a dozen these days.

    You were right about one thing, anonymous. I do hate Bush, but that seems to cut across party lines these days.

  6. John K. says: Remember lefties, it ain't the Republicans running from the ad. And it wasn't a Republican Senator, It was Sen. Schumer (D-NY) who went onto the floor of the Senate and said the military was incompetent. And when Bin Laden (D-Paki) made his latest appeal for help,it wasn't to the Republicans, except for the part about 2.5% max tax rate. Which is something you lefties need to consider. called you Democrats out. That ad was yours and it appealed to your voter base, not the Republicans. You lefties hate the military and would rather see defeat in this war than victory. Shameful.
    But keep denying it. Makes my job so much easier.

  7. Makes my job so much easier.
    C'mon! Job? Who'd hire a troop-hating Chickenhawk?

  8. John K. says: Ask yourself this shitrock: You know Bin Laden is monitoring this testimony by Gen. Petreaus. Now what do you think his reaction would be if he heard the Democrats say to Gen. Petreaus that he has their full support to resolve the mission. That they support him all the way to victory.
    Now they heard that from the Republicans and from Sen. Lieberman but not one Democrat. And remind yourself that you lefties tried to oust Sen. Lieberman. You want to stop the 'slaughter', back Gen. Petreaus rather than Bin Laden wil realize that the cause is lost and go back into hiding. So now also ask yourself, in the absence of that, just whose group of fighters are you supporting?

  9. John K. says: I'm stunned! What's this? The right wing idealogue Mike Pintek had as his guest the left wing kook Dan Simpson on and let him explain his position. And this blog likes to trash Pintek. LOL LOL Man you lefties are way too easy. You are going to have to make it harder.

  10. Well, here's the thing Nony Mouse - OBL will always be hatin' us. It's just a question of how many others he can convince that his views are right. He's recently been reduced to rambling about how everything from the bust in the subprime market to global warming to dry rot is linked to some vast conspiracy. In short, he sounds like any other pathetic crank you're liable to run into these days. Many within the Ummah may not like us, but they're kinda sittin' on the fence now or even actively edging away from him. Stay in Iraq indefinitely and link it to ol' Weird Beard and you'll only be making him more relevant again, thus giving his message a new lease on life. But I think you already realize this on some level. So then, why do you continue to assert that doom will follow us home if we don't 'stay the course?' It's almost as if you need OBL to out there in full force rather than the fading figure we see today. It's almost as if containing and defeating Islamic terrorists takes a distant second to your need to find and inflate enemies both here and abroad. I must ask you Nony, just whose group of fighters are you supporting?


  11. You know Bin Laden is monitoring this testimony by Gen. Petreaus.
    Right, because Bush let him stroll away from Tora Bora. Seems Bush wanted to use the troops to invade a country that had no terrorists and no WMDs.

    Now what do you think his reaction would be if he heard the Democrats say to Gen. Petreaus that he has their full support to resolve the mission...Bin Laden wil realize that the cause is lost and go back into hiding.
    Thus spake the mighty General Chickenhawk.

    LOL LOL Man you lefties are way too easy. You are going to have to make it harder.
    Has anyone else noticed how, when they have no arguments to make, Chickenhawks like to say "LOL?" They do it a whole lot. Master Lie is the same way. Same on other blogs.

    Also, Bill Maher does a great routine about how Bush will stand at the podium and stumble through a speech talking about "misunderestimate" and "our children is not learning" and the like. Then he walks away with this smirk on his face that says, "Man, I nailed that one!" Remind you of anyone?

    Hey John, you're fly is open. Made you look! LOL LOL LOL LOL

  12. I thought it was great to see Dan Simpson clean Pintek's clock.

    Did you see how ridiculous Simpson made Pintek look on the war?

    Pintek is still (STILL!) grasping at straws about the WMD and the "ties" between OBL and Iraq. And then had the chutspah claim that Bush never tried to connect Iraq and 9/11.

    When 70% of the American people thought there was a connection just before the (illegal) invasion of Iraq, that's proof enough that Bush was claiming a connection.

    Then instead of admitting he'd been defeated, he tried to hide behind a "it's a he said/he said thing."

    Simpson put a stop to that one real fast. "There was no connection between 9/11 and Iraq."

    It's good to see Mike Pintek humiliated every now and then.

  13. Where the F is OBL? 9/11 is more to a lot of us than a ribbon magnet made in China on the back of your POS car. The prostitution of 9/11 into some BS in defending a completely different and unrelated war is reprehensible. Stop repeating the right wing propaganda. Far right-wingers, if you love this country as I do, it's about time to start f-ing showing it.

  14. And one more thing while I'm cranky. I'm all for free speech, but for crissakes will you give the LOLs a f-ing rest? It demeans us all.

  15. This is such a non-issue. No one cares about this.

    If Republicans think this will overshadow the debate from the tragedy that is the Iraq War, their very mistaken. And if they think they'll make any political gains with this, then they're in even deeper trouble than they already for 2008.

    And to John K. -

    The only reason OBL can monitor Petraeus' testimony is because incompetent, delusional Republicans like yourself and our President couldn't get the job done.

    Because of the Republicans, OBL is still alive.

    Get used to living under the permanent Democratic majority, John, because that's all Rove, Bush and this whole gang of GOP hypocrites and liars as assured - decades of Democratic electoral dominance

  16. John K. says: "My fly is open" is the sum total of a liberal response? And you wonder why I sit here lauging my butt at this blog. Yep, Osama Bin Laden monitored that testimony. And still the Democrats haven't figured out that a united front might end this thing earlier than later. Hey, it was Sep 11th and where was Rep. Kucinich, in Syria holding talks with a guy who sponsors terrorism and wants to destroy a country (Lebanon). Like I said, LOL LOL this is way too easy. Make it tougher. Closing thought, if you can't handle me, (Your fly is open) what makes me think you can handle Osama Bin Laden? It is funny, LOL LOL

  17. Another thing I've noticed about John K, Master Lie, and the other rethug trolls, is that they never answer ANY of the points raised that counter their poorly constructed arguments. I know it's because they can't, but it's still funny - you know, in an LOL kind of way...

  18. Atta boy, John K. That's the way to confound the looney left.

    The one thing that the left does not want to face is how this war has morphed over the years - from one of a failed intelligence entry to ensuring Iran does not swallow up more territory. We all would like to return to the calm, post-Cold war years of the 1990's, but it ain't gonna happen. The '90s look more like an aberation than the norm.

    The MoveOn add, and DailyKos kooks do more harm than good for the Dems. In a national election, each side gets roughly 40% of the electorate that votes one party constantly. The national election becomes a popularity contest for the middle, or swing, 20%.

    By placating the kook-left-fringe (you know, the contributors of this blog) you face the real posibility of alienating the swing 20.

    From my perspective, I say go for it.

  19. Xranger, its just two eazy to argoo with you. LOL LOL. pLEEz make it tuffer, cuz this is just no chelenj, er, I mean chalneg. LOL LOL LOL. I thot you wanted to tok about reel stuff, but I gess your you just wanna thro shit like John. LOL. OK with me.

    So their. I shur shode you! LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL.

  20. Hey, stop laughing at me!

    I can't take it, I tell ya...


  22. You wignuts make it sooooo, easy for we smart peepol specially the Chikinhocks. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL. Its like, shutin birds in a buckit. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL. Your so stoopit. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL.

    You evin wunt the Dems to take adviz from Ben Laddin like, Bush did wen, he told him to run away. LOL LOL LOL LOL.

    Im so godd at this and your so bad. Their must be sum way you cud make this hardr for me. Its to eazy to make fun of you're sily, you know, like, stuff that you say. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL.

