September 19, 2007

YDAC Membership Meeting Tonight

WHAT: Young Dems of Allegheny County Membership Meeting
WHEN: TODAY! Wednesday, September 19th, 6:30 PM
WHERE: Democratic Headquarters (810 River Ave, PGH, PA 15212

The Young Dems of Allegheny County are holding their monthly meeting at Allegheny Democratic Headquarters (810 River Ave, PGH, PA 15212) starting at 6:30.

Candidates and Elected Officials are encouraged to attend and new faces are really welcomed to join in.


  1. John K. says: Does this meeting coincide with the arrival of Ahmadenajad of Iran? Can you get him as guest speaker? Are you going to show the video of Osama Bin Laden to encourage all good Democrats to vote early and often and in as many different states to ensure ( as Sen. Kerry told OBL ) that you need 60 Senators to enact his agenda? Just wondering. LOL LOL LOL man this one was good, really good. I amaze myself.

  2. You are very easily amazed, n'est-ce pas?. Keep laughin' at those body bags coming back, John.

  3. John K. says: sorry about before, I was manic. I went and looked through the windows at the democrats. My bipolar disease keeps me from being friendly or positive for very long. You lefties have no idea how lucky you are to be invited somewhere.

  4. John K. says: Okay I went overboard with the YDAC showing the Osama Bin Laden video as a motivational tool. You folks really just figured out ways to raise money for Norman Hsu's bail. Can I knock em out of here or what? LOL LOL LOL.

  5. John K says: Dont let those American soldiers come home to rest unless they're dead. LOL LOL I'm so funny, I kill myself. No I dont I kill Marines. LOL LOL LOL Now thats funny. I am so good at this.

  6. John K. says: Shitrock, "you kill Marines". You actually state that on a public forum. Shitrock, exam your principles. You kill OUR Marines. OUR citizens. And you think that is funny? Shitrock that is disgusting.

  7. That wasn't me saying that, John. It was YOU.

    C'mon, you know you love to see them die. Admit it. You get off on American casualties. You want to see more and more.

    You want more troops, faster turn-around, less dwell time, more killing, more Traumatic Brain Injuries. You want to see them coming home in body bags by the dozens, the hundreds, the thousands.

    I just want to bring them home.

  8. John K. says: Shitrock, so now you are also a liar. You are one sick individual. Just plain sick.

  9. Bwahahahaha! Fell for it again!

    What a loser! Don't ever play poker, John, or wear a jock under your panties! Whahahaha!

    Chickenhawks rule.................the toilet! ROFL
