October 16, 2007

Gore Derangement Syndrome

We've seen it here in the comments but Paul Krugman has some thoughts on GDS:

On the day after Al Gore shared the Nobel Peace Prize, The Wall Street Journal's editors couldn't even bring themselves to mention Mr. Gore's name. Instead, they devoted their editorial to a long list of people they thought deserved the prize more.

And at National Review Online, Iain Murray suggested that the prize should have been shared with "that well-known peace campaigner Osama bin Laden, who implicitly endorsed Gore's stance." You see, bin Laden once said something about climate change - therefore, anyone who talks about climate change is a friend of the terrorists.

But he gets to the heart of the matter here:
The worst thing about Mr. Gore, from the conservative point of view, is that he keeps being right. In 1992, George H. W. Bush mocked him as the "ozone man," but three years later the scientists who discovered the threat to the ozone layer won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. In 2002 he warned that if we invaded Iraq, "the resulting chaos could easily pose a far greater danger to the United States than we presently face from Saddam." And so it has proved.
So Gore was right about the climate and Gore was right about Iraq. That's why the citizens of winguttia go berserk.


  1. John K. says: Gore was so right about the environment that he has 9 factual errors in his documentary. What the left wing kooks will believe.

  2. Name one, Chickenhawk. Put up, shut up, or continue to fuck up. LMAO

  3. Well, in John K's defense (which it pains me to come to), the media has done a terrible job of reporting on this 9 "errors" thing.

    So, Koward, if you can read something other than wingerese, see what the actual climate scientists say about these 9 "errors." You might actually learn something.

    And please don't come back at me with William Gray. He is one scientist, who has his acolytes, but he has some serious credibility issues as of late on the issue of global warming.

  4. Hold on, Whigs. Let's let the Ultimate Chickenhawk speak for himself, if he has anything to say.

  5. You know what he will say...

    "John K says: You libs are so dumb, LOL. Gore lied about inventing the internet and now he's lying about global warming LMAO. This is too easy. And you still don't know who Mike Murphy is. LOL And you say you support the troops LOL This is too easy."

    That was too easy. I'm a little scared.

  6. Al Gore is "okay" but I'll never forget how he punked out during the elections. He could have stood up for the African American community which, in turn, would have been standing up for all of America---but he didn't. And look what happened . . .

    By the way, new posts are up on the One Hill Controversy:

  7. Wow, Whigs, that was pitch perfect. I'm starting to suspect you're actually John K putting us on.

  8. It was actually quite easy. Just ram your head into the wall a few times (preferably where the studs reside), stare directly into the sun for a few minutes, pluck a few hairs from yer, eh, twig and berries, and listen to Kevin Miller for 5 minutes. Voila. Instant Wingnut.

    Adapted from "Recipes for Madness: Cooking up the Winger in Us All," Whigsboy, 2007.

  9. Write up an outline and I'll see if I can find a publisher. I get 10%.

  10. John K. says: Gore told a lie. But he hates Bush. So he gets a prize. The left will believe anything.

  11. John K. says: All the planets in the solar system are heating up. Not just Earth. One Gore lie exposed. Need more?

  12. Thanks for the morning chuckle, John Koward. I love me some crunchy wingnuts on my morning oatmeal.

    Maybe we'll be able to harness the water that melts from Jupiter's ice-covered moons to help deal with the drought in the southeast.

  13. John K. says: This is too funny to pass up. Gore flew into Scottsdale, Az on his G5 Airplane to celebrate. He had heads of Coca-Cola and Home Depot among others in attendance. They ate seared Tuna from Hawaii and Guinea Hen and Beef from Japan and Butterfish from Alaska. And then Gore refused to take the pledge he wants the rest of us to take where he demands we do not increase our personal demands on resources. Gore refused to take his own pledge. LOL LOL LOL You lefties fell hook and line like the fish you are for this phony global warming hoak. Gore reeled you in. He doesn't believe it himself. LMAO

  14. John K. says: Link? Glenn Beck 10-17-07 at 11:00AM go check the archives. But get real. Gore doesn't believe in global warming. Not a bit. He just suckered you in for his own benefit. If what Gore said is true, by half, then he along with the left would change their lifestyle. And until the lefty kooks change their lifestyle, why should I take it seriously. Stop driving your SUV's and Lexis vehicles.

  15. Glenn Beck? Bwahahahahaha!
    Ummm, would that be the same Glenn Beck who claimed that Kucinich keeps his wife on drugs? Bwahahahahaha! Glenn Beck the stupidest conservative on TV? Bwahahahahaha! Glenn Beck who asked a Muslim Congressman to prove he wasn't a terrorist? Bwahahahahaha!

    Chickenhawk, please don't ever leave us. This blog will never be the same without your constant unintentional comedy.

  16. just out of interest, Gore didnt say he invented the internet. the media took it out of perspective, and the actual founders of the internet said gore was right.

    Ner ner de ner ner.
