October 5, 2007

I'll be hosting for Lynn Cullen next Friday

Lynn's off next Friday so I'll be hosting the show in her place (and my God have mercy on all our souls).

AM NewsTalk 1360 WPTT
Friday, October 12, 2007
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Call in at: 412-333-1360

Regular Friday guest, Jon Delano, will join me along with others to be named at a later date.


  1. You'll be great!

    But don't be TOO great - they might not ask me back!


  2. John K. says : LOL LMAO oh boy all ten people will get to listen to you. LMAO That show has ratings below that of KQV.

  3. oh i can't wait! hope i'll be able to tune in!!!

  4. For the first time, John K., I feel really sorry for you. You take every opportunity you can to make some childish dig at people for no other reason than to come across as a thoughtless, vindictive, mean little git.

    I think you lead a pretty hollow, joyless life. I feel sorry for you.

  5. John K. says: You feel sorry for me? Anyone who has to host the Cullen Show should save the pity for themselves. Hey, did you reconcile the fact that half of your party refers to those making $60,000 as rich and need to have their taxes raised. And the other half calls them so poor they can't pay for their own medical care. Talk about loons.

  6. Well it's about time the radio world understands there are TWO political junkies.

  7. John K. says: I won't be listening I only listen to Honz and Rush. I love Rush so much that I would lick the pimple on his butt that got him out of the service.LOL LOL

  8. Hurrah! I was hoping they would start bringing in some female voices to keep things interesting when Lynn's gone. I hope I can listen ...

  9. John K. says: And I listen to Boortz and Laura Ingraham and Miller and Hannity and of course Glenn Beck and O'Reilly. Hey, these are all the people who Olbermouth thinks are a bigger threat to the world than radical islam. And all these people have been targeted by media matters. Media Matters makes up stuff on these folks in an attempt to remove them from the airwaves. That free speech thing being such a threat to liberals. Now who listens to Cullen, oh yah the 7 liberals in here plus some relatives. And McIntire can't hold an audience for longer than 6 months. I WIN!

  10. John K. says: Yes, I have no blog of my own. I am not a guest or a guest host on any program of any kind. I listen to the same noise machine on radio and TV. I parrot hate of Democratic Americans in the name of my corporate owned political party. Oh yes, I win!

    -John KKKoward Anonymous

  11. John K. says: I haven't heard anything from you liberals on Obama not wearing a flag on his lapel. What kind of American doesn't wear a flag on hs lapel. I personally know my boyfriend,Honzman LOL LOL, had a flag soldered on every staple in his stomach. Now that's a true American.

  12. John K. says: LMAO I mean really LMAO. Do you lefties read your own comments. Talk about hate. LOL LOL

  13. There is no hate John K. I mean I wouldn't have Honsberger as my boyfriend but since you do that's fine. Different strokes for different folks. And if he had flag pins soldered on his staples good for him. Where's the hate?

  14. John K. says: Hey when you are hosting the Cullen show talk about how Rep. Waxman (D-Calif) Brentwood ( all those Hollywood rich lefties) is going to use taxpayer money to monitor Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin. Yah, tax payer money and manpower. LMAO, you left wing kooks.

  15. John, I just have to thank you again for sacrificing your dignity for our amusement. Folks like you, Larry Craig, Newt, and Rush are great because you exemplify the incredible stupidity of the maniac right, yet are unable to accomplish anything. The Bushter and Cheney would be funny; but they are so good at killing American kids that their inanity resembles a sick, dark comedy.

    You, of course, make fun of Lynn's "ten listeners," but you would lick her anus in return for an audience of two if one of them was your mom and the other was a mirror.

    Well, stick around, my lonely, humor-impared friend. While the serious bloggers here are discussing politics, we'll provide an audience for your comic relief.

  16. What kind of American doesn't wear a flag on hs lapel.
    That would be you, if you could afford a lapel. Bwahahahahahaa

    I listen to Boortz and Laura Ingraham and Miller and Hannity and of course Glenn Beck and O'Reilly.
    That is painfully obvious.
