October 3, 2007

Night Talk on PCNC

Not really sure where to go with this.

I tried calling into Night Talk tonight. Rose of "Quinn and Rose" was on defending Right Wing radio talkshow hosts against the lies and manipulations of MediaMatters.org. When they started in on Rush ("The Addict") Limbaugh's "phony soldiers" smear I just had to call in to correct Rose's spin on it. She said that Rush had nothing to apologise for, that it was all a lie, taken out of context...blah-blah-blah. You know the drill.

Imagine my surprise, however, when I called in and was told that while they DO have a new studio, they DON'T yet have the speakers hooked up TO that studio. So while they flash the number to call into the show, you can't actually, you know, call in to talk on the air.

I am hoping it's just a technical thing - something to be fixed easily and quickly.

In any event, the upshot (at least at this point) is that if you call in, you give your question or comment to an otherwise very nice sounding voice. She will then relay the question or comment to Pintek who, I guess, can then ignore it if he chooses.

Hardly a healthy debate, doncha think?

Why won't Mike Pintek take questions on the air?


  1. John K. says: The odd part is media matters lied on the story. MSNBC failed to fact check anything. They did not even listen to the tape. Now Norah O'Donnell did call the Limbaugh show as she was given the story to run with. Snerdley gave her the tape along with the transcript and after checking it found there was no story there and it was exactly as Limbaugh reported it. Proof, anyone see O'Donnell do a story on Limbaugh? Now MSNBC with Olbermouth does not check stories. So if you are getting any facts from him they are biased. But don't let that stop you. Hey, remember when Rosie O'Donut called all our troops terrorists on The View. And the left wing kooks in here did nothing. LOL LOL And of course we have the fake soldier Jesse MacBeth, who is the focus of the story, not a peep from the left wing kooks. Hypocrites galore.

  2. Hardly a healthy debate, doncha think?

    Why won't Mike Pintek take questions on the air?

    I would say that they are continuing the tradition started by the original Night Talk host John "dump button when losing a debate" Mcintire.

  3. John K. says: I know that Rushie changed the tape and the transcript of the show in question. I know he's lying about all of this. But I love him so much that I will help spin for him. LOL LOL LOL

  4. I can't let this one stand. Media Matters is not lying. Here are the facts from their website.

    The fact is they have the clip of Rush calling anti-war Iraq veterans "phony soldiers" posted for everyone to hear. Go hear it.

    It's the entire clip NOT the edited clip that Rush uses. And the "transcript" that Rush Limbaugh was touting as authentic was itself edited.

    Read the entire thing here.

    And you should check Norah O'Donnell again. The clip can be found here. It's very clear that Rush calls anti-war soldiers "phony soldiers."

    Clear as day.

  5. I truly believe we should begin a campaign to boycott local businesses that advertise on this garbage show.
    Do you think we could get some blogger love on that? Anybody have a list?

  6. John K. says: Still no comments from the left wingers about Jesse Macbeth. The entire focus of the Limbaugh story. The left supported MacBeth. Failed to check any of his facts. They so wanted them to be true they just ran with the story. Now they do the same to Limbaugh. Although, the facts don't bear that out. What is also interesting is that the left then used the Senate of the US to try to censure a private citizen. Now think of that. Sen. Reid views the greatest threat to America as coming from a talk radio host. So to eliminate this threat he urges the free speech of this individual be removed. The Senate of the US in conjunction with the left wing of this country advocate the elimination of free speech. Now who else uses that technique, why Stalin of course. You left wing kooks get a star.

  7. That's right. Talk about ANYTHING other than Rush's insulting the anti-war troops.

    Next time, be sure to bring up how Clinton lied about the blow-job, that Ted Kennedy's a drunk, and then finally how Hillary killed Vince Foster because she's a lesbian (even though they were totally doing it).

    Talk about ANYTHING other than Rush Limbaugh...

  8. John K. says: You liberals should get off Rush's back. I love Rush, I worship the ground he stands on. He never lies. You left wing liberals all you care about is facts. I only care about what Rush says. LOL LOL I dream about rubbing Rush's tummy. I used to like rubbing Honz's tummy but those staples get in the way LOL LOL

  9. Libs=Idiots!

    'Nuff said.

  10. anonymous=Imbiscile

    Debate over.
