October 3, 2007

A PA Connection to Blackwater

From Talking Points Memo, we learn that the Erik Prince, the guy who's running the show at Blackwater (aka The World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army), gave money to recent Senate candidate Carl Romanelli.

You remember Carl Romanelli, right? He's the Green Party candidate bought and paid for by some of Lil Ricky Santorum's friends in the Summer of '06 in order to siphon off some votes from Bob Casey.

Didn't work. It cost them a bundle, too. $10,000 from Erik Prince alone.

Here's the rundown at attytood.

By the way, Lil Ricky may be returning. This is from the Trib (so you know it's right):

Say it slowly: Gov. Rick Santorum.

Interesting concept, isn't it?

The former Pennsylvania GOP senator, trounced in his re-election bid last year by seldom-seen Democrat Bob Casey Jr., apparently has grown weary of beating the drums about the ongoing terrorist threat as a senior fellow with the Washington-based Ethics and Public Policy Center.

The American Spectator reported last week that Santorum is seriously mulling a run for governor in 2010, when the race will be wide open. Term limits will force current Gov. Ed Rendell from seeking a third term.

Ah, the Casey-Santorum race. You remember the problems he had with his residency, don't you? So does The Trib:
Of course, a Santorum gubernatorial bid is dependent on the Virginia resident being agreeable to actually living in Pennsylvania again. When he was a senator, you may recall, he found that idea abhorrent.
Good times.

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