October 16, 2007

Week Without Violence

For more info and all the events scheduled click here.
YWCA Week Without Violence
October 14 - 20, 2007

This is an annual event sponsored by the YWMC. The objective: "focus attention on practical, sustainable non-violent alternatives." Each day of The Week Without Violence focuses on a different violence-related theme.

Some of the events this week include:
Wednesday, October 17: Confronting Violence Against Women
12:00 noon Allegheny County Courthouse, 436 Grant Street, between Forbes and Fifth AvenuesWalk and public assembly in collaboration with the National Council of Jewish Women at the Allegheny County Courthouse courtyard. Silent Witness figures of those who died of violence in the past year will be present as local officials discuss their actions to address violence.

Friday, October 19: Eliminating Racism and Hate Crime
Noon – 2:00 p.m. YWCA Greater Pittsburgh, 305 Wood Street, downtown. Luncheon Seminar on violence in the workplace for Human Resource professionals and United Way campaign companies.


  1. I trust WDUQ will not be publicizing the Wed event. If we spare them the discipline they require, women may get the idea that they should be able to control their own fertility, their own reproductive health, and their own bodies. The Church cannot allow that to happen.

  2. I trust WDUQ will not be publicizing the Wed event.

    I have to thank WDUQ. Thanks to them I have an additional $50 to spend that I otherwise would have pledged for a membership.
